Fishing Forum

Full Version: Devil's Creek 9-13-06
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I got a chance to take Joe, my son, fishing today, but didn't have all day so we hit Devil's Creek around 9:30 am. I started out trolling with my fly rod with sinking fly line and a black leech pattern fly. I had five fish into the boat before we got to the dam for the first time and Joe hadn't caught any yet! Boy, paybacks sure suck. I teased him awhile and then made him take my rod so he could get the skunk away. I tried several spinners and other rigs without much luck. Joe caught two and then no more fish after a good hit. Finally he reels in the line and the knot came undone and the fly was gone. Hard to catch a fish that way. I take the rod and tie on a new fly and start catching them again. He caught a couple with a spoon, and then went to a gold bead head leech pattern fly he had tied himself. He started nailing them then. It is a good thing I had a head start on him. Most fish were small in the ten to twelve inch size. Never caught any real big ones, but lots of the small ones. The water is way down, but still 30 feet deep at the dam. Shore anglers were catching them too. It was a beautiful day to be out on the water. Too bad we couldn't stay the whole day and had to leave at noon. Acey
Sounds like you had a good time. Thanks for the report.