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I took my boy, 7 guns, and enough ammo to finish WWII up to Curtis creek on Monte Cristo today for a little grouse action. Started off very slowly and ended even slower. We saw nothing but 1 set of old tracks and 3 deer. All does. The highlight of the day was when we stopped for a break and to let my boy play in the snow(see pics).
I talked to some LE elk hunters and they had seen very few on the south end of Curtis creek road. They did say there were alot and everybody was getting them closer to Hardware ranch by the randolf turnoff. Maybe later in the week i will try it. $50 in gas for this trip killed me.
Also, if anyone has that tag for elk, the hunters i talked to said the snow saturday night shut them up and got them moving. They had been bugling but stopped completely. I saw quite a few sets of tracks on the road in various places, but old. I did get my muzzleloader sighted in and am very happy with the results of the Tru-glo red-dot sight. I also got my30-06 sighted in for the rifle elk hunt.

By the way, if you go up that way take a chain saw or wood saw because the heavy(wet) snow broke a bunch of aspens over the road and they are about every 100' or so in some spots.
Crazy about all that snow. I don't seem do very well after a snow storm when chasing pine chickens. At least you got out huntin' though.