One more week for the muzzleloader opener. I took lunkerhunter2's advice and got a red-dot scope and I can tell you what. I wont ever take it off. I love it!!! Been practicing as much as possible and I'm confident that I can hit one if I can keep calm and not get too excited. I'm so antsy now I doubt it. I'll probably miss but I'm still getting out and that's what counts. I better pack the snow-cammo the way it's looking. LOL
Just wondering if anybody else is as excited as me?
I'm not even sleeping well lately! I think i have an anxiety problem. With the mz deer and rifle elk a week later i am going crazy!![crazy]
I have two and a half weeks to wait for the real birds to open... Cant wait. Been getting all the gear ready and this weekend we can start scouting... sleepless nights are soon upon us...
I'm stoked. Got the 'Loader out, lubed up and ready to go. Now for the season to just get here... I'm really hoping these storm fronts keep up. All I need is one day of decent tracking condtions in the desert sand and hello Mr. 200" Typical.
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]So I know that it has only been a couple of days, but does anyone have any success stories and pictures to share with the rest of the class?[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I do, I do!!! I will post later today after i get everything squared away.
I do too! My first one was an overglorified spike, but after 10 seasons out there looking at does, I figured I would put some meet in the freezer, besides "you can't eat the antlers". It was thursday afternoon about 4:30, I snuck out by myself after my wife got home from work (nobody else wanted to go with me) I think the trick this time was that only one pair of boots tromping up the rocky trail made less noise.