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Full Version: I found the Best Lake Ontario Charter TK!!
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[indent][cool]Went out of Oswego, 9/17 @6am on TK Charters ( Right after sunrise, passed nuke plant and made a left-north and bam - 1 on. While I fought, bam again. Now 2 fighting. Bam, number 3 hits. We landed all 3! Even Captain stained his pants! Captain and Mate, father & son worked as one. Things slowed after a while. Captain and mate never stopped trying different depths until bite picked up. Another highlight was me on a rod going for my limit of a 3rd, when the copper wire jammed at the tip. Mate said - pull it in by hand. I asked for gloves and was told keep pulling. I got to the mailbox we had out and was told, ok 300' to go! Got it. We ended our 8 hour charter with 10 Kings, a few over 20lb. and 1 steelhead. We landed 11 of 14 hits. After fishing we went to Rudy's. A gull came out of the sky and stole a Texas Hot off our tray! Woke up next morning and ended a perfect trip at Wade's. The town changed a bit since I graduated from SUNY Oswego 21 years ago, but still one of the greatest places in earth.[/indent]