Fishing Forum

Full Version: Huge trohpy minnesota largemouths!
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Me and casey went tubin for some bass again today. He got these hawgs! I thought they only got this fat in california and florida!

[Image: bigolhugewhopper.jpg]

[Image: humongousbass.jpg]

[Image: hugefatbelly.jpg]

[Image: hugelunker.jpg]

I didn't catch any bigguns this time, he got em all! Mabye to get me back for lettin' the air outta his tube on the water last weekend? [Wink]
Woo Hoo! Nice Bass guys! That's a great day!

[cool][#0000ff]Wow, those look like 8 pound class fish. Not too common for northern strain largies to get much bigger, but they do get hefty in waters where there is enough food and limited harvest.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those would be prize fish anywhere, even in Florida or California. Thanks for the pics.[/#0000ff]
Looks like I'll be heading east!! Nice fish!