Fishing Forum

Full Version: The Weekend's Fishing Report - Hopedale, LA
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It was two good days of fishing with George and Monte from Oklahoma. Before the wind picked up on Saturday, they caught 27 Speckled Trout. After the wind started blowing, Capt. Ben took them into marsh to continue fishing. There Monte caught his biggest bull red of the day, 12.6 pounds.
They ended the day with a full box of fish filled to the top with Trout, RedFish, Black Drum and Sheepshead. The box of mixed fish count was 44. For bait they used live shrimp under a popping cork.
On their Sunday trip, they left out at 7:15am and by 8:00am they had the Hydro Sport cooler filled to the top with a mixed box of fish. Again it was trout, redfish, black drum and sheepshead. The biggest Redfish of the day was 12.5 pounds.
If your interested in booking a fishing trip, give Capt. Ben a call at 985-630-2066.
Alysha H. Leto
P.S. Just a little history about these two. They came fishing with Capt. Ben a week before hurricane "Katrina" hit. Then they came down and fished the day before the boat and dock burned down. Now Capt. Ben's just hoping that after they leave this time, nothing else happens. LOL