Hit it again today with two others. Boated 69 between 7 & 11:30 AM or so when we quit. Same formula, pointers early and white tubes mid-morning. Caught several over the slot including a good 25" cut. Fish were deeper today (compared to Wednesday) when we went to jigging - most around the 15-17' area, though we still caught more than half shallower than 10 feet. Quite a lot of boats out today, fished about 100 yards from some cheese and wormer's in a boat. We probably landed 25 fish during the hour and a half or so that they were around, didn't see them catch one. The fish don't seem to be on or near bottom right now, either on top or suspended near the upper third of the water column. Saw a bull moose wander by around 7:30 today and heard a bunch of elk bugling. Great weather - 33 degrees at dawn. Water temp was 53.1 to start and 54.8 around 11:30. The bloom is really coming on. Have fun on the weekend- I'm dry until next Wednesday. Fat over the slotter pictured.
Good job!
At what depth were you running the pointers at? What area of Strawberry were you fishing???
Thanks for the reports . I'm always eager to read and jealous of your reports . Just because I can't go . I'm trying my best not to have to sell my boat as it is now . I guess I could sell a few pointers off to get by . [

South end Strawberry side, caught most on pointers with less than 12 feet of water under the boat, often 4-6 feet where the pointer was running.
So were you using the side plainers to run em' out that shallow at times,,, or just draggin' straight back from your boat?
Cast and retrieve using bow-mount to creep along.
Nice! Sounds like a blast... Thanks for the report!
I took my wife up on Wednesday morning, and we did pretty well from my inflatable canoe, but didn't land near as many as you guys did. Good job!
I'm still trying to figure that lake out, but I can sure see a ton of potential up there. If we all treat it right, with a long term conservation vision, Strawberry will be an amazing fishery for many years to come.
I agree, as long as they keep the slot in place and manage it as they have been it ought to stay in good shape.
Great report. You sure know how to fish it this time of year. Count me in for next Wednesday, that is if you still have room.
great report and picture. myself and 2 others are going on sunday with our toons. can't decide either jake's bay or renegade. that's where you were fishing right. either way its going to be fun.
thanks for sharing. [cool]
Sure is a great pic and another fantastic report. Thanks for sharing.
Yep, we're on for next Wednesday, I reserved a seat for the jig-master. I'll PM the arrangements - looking forward to it.
Hey Piscis,
we ended up going the same day as well. We fished over on the North side for a while and caught quite a few at first. Then we tried to head over to the south end and by the time we got there (in the rented aluminum boat, the wind picked up and we had a hard time trying to stay shallow with the motor we had. We actually had best success when we were about 50 feet deep. We were not catching them at the bottom, but they seemed to be active at that depth. Although I did mark quite a few on the bottom as well. One of our guys was fly fishing and he did quite well also, We were using tubes and a few other jigs from HFT. Had a blast and it was a nice day. Maybe we will see up there another day.