Well it's been awhile guys
] I finally have the DSL installed and ready to post

While I'm here, I went tubing this morning at Cherry Beach using frozen Anchovies and Sardines bought from Norms Big Fish. They didn't have live bait today. The water was full of trash!! Bamboo sticks everywhere! Styrofoam material everywhere! Branches everywhere and even some whole trees!!
The bite was Ok though. I tubed from 7-10am for the totals.
2 tom cods
1 shovelnose shark
1 smooth hound shark
2 halibuts sizes 12' and 21 1/2".
[cool]Welcome back, Kiyo. I'm willing ot bet you will enjoy the benefits of the DSL enough to offset the temporary inconvenience of the downtime. Now you probably have some catching up to do.
I guess the weather washed lots of goodies in the water. Our weather news in Arizona showed the major water in California before we got a couple of days of our own. We got a pretty fair downpour over here, but not nearly enough to send the drought running yet. I haven't heard from anyone on the lakes, so I don't know if the levels came up or if the water muddied up much. I had to be out of town Saturday, so I didn't get a chance to make any first hand inspections.
Glad you were able to fish among the flotsam, and that there were at least a few fishies to bend your stick and stretch your string. Too bad you couldn't stretch that "nearly legal" enough to invite him home for dinner.
It looks like the weather forecast is for some more weather later this week. That will bring some more badly needed water, but will delay the warming trend we need to get the "spring fling" going. I guess we just need a healthy dose of fishermen's patience.
Hey TubeDude,
How you doing? I just returned from tubing at Cherry Beach this morning with live smelts for nothing. Only fished for a couple of hours. The water looks 10 times better than a couple of days ago! There was still a ton of bamboo on shore. A couple of guys went out tubing Cherry Beach yesterday and only caught one Shovenose shark about 300 yards out.
Listen for me on Fish Talk Radio on Thursdays from 8-10pm on 1540am. You can just listen to it on their website
www.fishtalkradio.net. I'm not going to be on it this week but my friend Perry Crosby will be taking my place for a float tube/kayak/flyfishing report.