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This is a letter to the editor in the SL Trib that I found posted on another site. Makes me wonder how people can be so misinformed while still taking the time to write and submit nonsense like this. Anyway, here is the link and the text: [url ""]LINK TO ARTICLE
I have bait fished at Strawberry Reservoir off and on all summer. I have caught numerous 15- to 22-inch cutthroat trout and released them per the regulations, only to see a good number of them swim a short distance and die.
The Division of Wildlife Resources acknowledges that 60 percent of fish that are caught and released die, regardless of how they are released, either de-hooked or by simply cutting the leader. The regulations also state that it is illegal to "waste or permit to be wasted" any protected wildlife.
It is obvious that if you follow the regulations you will be in violation of the regulations. How illogical and, may I add, ridiculous, could a set of regulations be?

Dan Wynn

First off, the 60% mortality rate he quotes is total garbage. 2nd, even if it were 60%, that's still a higher survival rate when compared to killing the fish. Here's a document to help dispell those myths:

[url ""][/url]

Dan, get a clue!
Is that something? Unreal. Bait fishing, probably ripping the gullet out of every fish he unhooks. (Never would think to cut the line.)
The whole point of the slot changes and development of a cutt population to control chubs is to keep the fish healthy and growing. Bait fishing doesn't do that! Artificial lures, Dan of Bountiful, give the fish a swimming chance. Learn from your mistakes!
Would enjoy reading the link, but the link doesn't work.
I tell you what boy, If'n I gots to cut off the bait, I haf ta re rig my whole setup.


It should be made artificial only. No impregnated baits or smelly jelly.
Fixed link...sorry about that.
Lord knows those Trebble hooks can't help let alone. de barbing hooks first, get rid of those three hookie things and if the fish swallows it, let him/her have it.
I think someone should send Dan some wooly buggers or even a pack of tube jigs.[crazy]

I am of the opinion that bait tipped jigs can be safely fished with very high safety (esp. when ice fishing), but reading stuff like this and seeing some of these dimwits in action at the 'Berry make me think that artificials only regs may be a good idea. "Dan" may even be fictitious and the editorial written by an artificials only advocate, but there are many real "Dan's" up there and the issue is real.
Tight lines.
Treble hooks, cheese hooks, worm. All get swallowed deep. No wonder he watches them go belly up. Dan Wynn, if you read this, no cheese hooks, no small salmon egg hooks. And for God's sake, don't lift the fish out of the water with your rod and line. Don't chuck it up on shore and say, doh! it's in the slot limit, I got to throw it (litterly) back. Try spincasting. Lots more fun.....
Use a net, if it's swallowed deep, cut your hook off.
Bait can be fished without gut hooking fish. I fish with bait tipped jigs once in awhile and seldom 1 in hundred hook anything other than lips. But most of these "Dans" bait up cast there line out and take a nap. By the time they realize the fish has been playing with there bait it has been swallowed. For this reason i wish they would make Strawberry artificials only.

I also wish they would put the slot on the rainbows two. Before the slot went into effect most of your catch ran up too just under 18 inches. A few years of the slot and the fish run up just under 22 inches. With a few over the slot. I believe if we had a slot on the rainbows there would be more rainbows to catch also. But we have to let the "I have to take a limit of fish home every time to rot in the freezer crowd" a species to to turn into fertilizer.

There are plenty of place to have a put and take fishery. But I think A body of water with trophy potential like Strawberry, should be managed as atrophy fishery. I even think the slot should be increased to say one over 25 inches. Maybe we need to hit the May RAC and see if we could at least get bait removed.