Took the kids to bear lake for about 45 minutes of fishing. Didn't
have time to take the boat, so we fished from shore.
Caught two, kept one and released the other (about a 3lb female).
Never weighed this one but it measured at 26".
Overall a great night.
Were you longlining? [

[cool]How do you longline from shore? Please explain this method...
I'm not sure what he means by longline fishing but I do know we use to do something called longline fishing on the East side of the lake. We would take a small boat and go out about 100 yards or more from shore and drop off our bait. We went back to shore and used a bobber as a strike indicator, when the bobber raised and the fish tightened the line we would pick up the rod and set the hook. That was before I got a bigger boat and learned how to jig in deeper water, thanks for the schooling BLM[cool]
What WH2 explained is exactly what I mean. We would use 2 baits is the only difference. [

[cool]Thanks for clearing that up, fellas. That's an interesting way of doing it.
There is no need to long line this time of year. I have caught mine casting from the shore.
Schweeeeeet!!! I'll be up tomorrow! JK. I have to work all weekend. I do want to get up there atleast once this year though. Got any weekdays open in the near future?
I may have a day next week (depending on how the elk hunt goes). Bring your car up and we can go from my house. I will let you know how it goes.