These were forwarded to me, and I wasn't given a location. Although it was mentioned that the anglers were "salmon fishing" at the time this beast was hauled up.
I've never seen anything like it.
What's the oddest "thing" you've ever pulled up while fishing?
Wow now thats a catch of a lifetime
] Doesnt appear that the elk was in the water for a long time.
That is crazy! It can happen though, my Grandpa hauled in a doe antelope that he snagged like that at the George. He was trolling along the bottom with lead-core line and snagged it in the rib cage with a big flatfish. It was a lot more decomposed than this elk. We were thinking that she had fallen through the ice. I can't explain this elk though. Ocean is right, it has not been in the water very long. Jake
[unsure] Kinda

to see a majestic old bull like that went down that way. I would be interested to hear " The rest of the Story" Like towing him in if they did or did they just leave him or what.
I wonder if there is a mandatory catch and realese on elk??? Pretty cool pics.
caulse of death is what my question is. elk and deer are excellent swimmers. and that one looked heathly, even dead???? and how close to a shoreline the photos are????? he should have made that.
From the back ground, it looks like the Columbia river and that could be a roosevelt elk from the looks of the horns. I know Lundman fishes that river a lot maybe he can tell by looking at the photos. WH2
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 4] That Elk reminds me of the one that me and Bearclaw found up at Lost Creek a while back.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]AFDan52[/size][/font]
Yeah 'Eyes, I was wondering the same thing. Was he a runaway from a hunting season shot, or tumble off a high cliff, or what. He does look quite fresh as was mentioned. No decomp yet. What a fishing story that would be!
[cool]THat's pretty interesting. Judging by the pics, I'd say that's the Columbia or maybe Snake River, but I'm leaning towards the Columbia in Southern Washington... Wonder if that Bull got shot, or just got tired while swimming across the river? Reminds me of that pic that was posted a month or so ago of that bull that they found in Lost Creek...
The world record elk was found drown in a river in Canada. They said that bull died because his velveted antlers soaked up so much water. This bull is rubbed so it could be anybody's guess.
I grew up on the Columbia and was going to post that it looked a lot like the river south of Wenatchee, WA.
[cool]I was thinking the EXACT same area. My uncle has a few apple orchards in the Royal City/Moses Lake area, and my grandparents used to have one up at Lake Chelan, so I've done some time up there. Love that area. Wished I could have fished that part of the country more when I was up there...
Yep, good country, I grew up and lived in E. Wenatchee until I left for college at 18. Spent a ton of time chasing the steelhead, salmon and trout, and an occasional Chelan mac as well. Still get up there every couple years for some marathon sessions on the river.
Yeah,,, I spent 10 years in Olympia, WA, and that definitely looks like the Columbia to me.
What I'm wondering, is how did they haul it up to the surface? Seems like you'd need some REAL heavy line to get that one up.
Makes for a crazy story though...
Must have gotten entangled in the downrigger's wire cable.
I was up there a few months ago, so the shore line looked familar. Good to know there are a few folk that know the area up there.