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Full Version: Finally Filled my a Colorado Elk Tag
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Hello Guys,
Just got home from hunting 2nd season Rifle Elk (anterless tag) and am HAPPY to say I have some fresh elk meat for the freezer.

Saw some great bulls also!

I'll post the story and photos once I get caught up with work.

[Image: hanging_cow4.jpg]

[Image: incamp3.jpg]

[Image: cows.jpg]

elk hunting is like none other,

look forward to photos and details.

I was hoping for my elk permit this year, but it didnt come thogh... Glad to see one of us bagging the big one...

again cogradulations.... Elk is much taistier than deer.....[Tongue]
Now you just have to worry about the buzzards(you know who i am talking about) begging you for jerky and sausage.[Wink] My elk from this year is half gone already. It is like candy in my house.
[left]here is a fresh kill for ya, not a elk, just a little white tail, I'd say about 140-150, 8 point, taken down just a couple hours ago with an old indian 45 pound recurve, I just now got it hung and gullied.

I will try out my new grinder this evening after it cools down.
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Let us know how the grinder works for ya Dave.
the temperature is holding so I am letting the deer hang a full day, to bad it isnt going to hold for a week, would be nice to let it hang for 5-7 day, well november season is just a few weeks away. Watch it will probably turn 70 for november.

I can remember years of wading though knee deap of snow opening day of deer season "nov-15" and I have seen years of hunting in a t-shirt on closing day of deer season. "nov-30"
Nice respectable buck Dave. I keep telling people the little ones eat better. One day i will shoot a whitetail. I saw a huge 8-point about 25 miles from my house last year on my cow elk hunt. I live near Ogden UT. How's that for migration?
well I can say the grinding was the easiest part of the whole ordeal.

total ground weight, 73lbs. there was about 8 pounds of bonless neck rost in the mix, baby sister likes neck roast.

I threw away a good 10 pounds of fat and flem that I trimed off the deer.

the grinder did a fine job, it spent most of its time waiting for me, total grinding time, under 15 minutes, prep and clean up time a couple hours. So basicly it only added 15 minutes to the process time.
Sweet. I scored a buck with my shotgun last saturday (opening morning)I just boned it out last night and will be making brats and sausage over the weekend. Are your plans mainly for burger or are ya gonna do up some other stuff too?
Where did you get your buck? Any pics?
I got him in a primitive weapons area in southeastern utah (Lasal's area). I had my wife take some pictures last night and will post em up within the next few days. My good buddy (powmow) actually got it all on video, pretty cool, wish I could post that.
Hello Bearclaw,

You should be able to post your videao at:
[url ""][/url]

Also congrats all of you who filled the freezer this year!! Great looking buck Dave!!!
Thanks, same to you, mike. Looks like you got quite the haul of meat there, nice big cow! Sure as hell wish I coulda made it out there with ya. I'm still shootin for next year though.
Hello Chad,
Thank you, I'll look forward to you coming out, I would have loved to get a my bull during archery but just didn't put the time in.

Next year for sure, I'm really going to be there opening day and put the real time in. 6 out of 7 of the guys I hunt archery with all had a bull opening week.

If anyone wants any elk meat I should have it in about 10 days (summer sausage, roasts, ribs, ground, etc..) and would be happy to send some out.
the only recipie I know is breakfast sausage, and that is two parts deer to one part bacon. I have to special order the bacon. then my spiced to my liking, never any left overs. even people who wont touch deer will eat my breakfast sausage.

most all went to my nephew and sister, I fryed up three burgers last night, two for me and one for the dog, and she said nuthuh, so she got half of my second one, I guess the wolf with the bigger teath wins...LOL "siberian huskey"

other than the boneless neck roast I am sure it will end up in spookgetti sause or burger or chili. I may give them a recipie for a breakfast sausage they can make it them selves if they want it. other than one of the fillet strips it all left the house last night.

I will have to go out hunting for my self one day here in a couple weeks.

first one always goes to feed the family and the second one I will keep half, that is all I will eat in a year, I prefer beer battered blue gills [Tongue]

my grinder did come with three stuffing noses and a stuffer disk, a rough and finish grinding disk.

I think the part I like best is I can about 10 pounds on to my hopper tray. along with the three inch diamiter receiving tube. That makes a differance.

be sure to take the time to cut out as much of the fat and flem as you can, that stuff seems to want to rap around things inside the grinder.

I cut the majority of it off, before droping it in the hopper still I found some in side when I finished. I would imagine if I just threw it all in there it would bind up in side on the worm gear. I remember when looking at grinders reading worning about things binding up in there and some units have a reverce direction swich. "mine dosnt"

there were other modles that had bigger motors than mine, I chose bigger receiving throat and worm gear over horse power, the differance was, one and onethird horse with two inch receiver and worm gear over the one horse and three inch receiver and 3 1/2 inch worm gear.

my grinder is rated for 650-700 pounds per hour where at the other grinder with the bigger horse power was rated for 500 pounds per hour, plus you have to cut your chunks in to smaller peices to get it in to the receiver tube.

there is a four second delay from the time I put it in and the time it spits out the other end.

all being said, by the time you pay to have 5 deer gound you have bought the grinder. In my hood it cost around $75.oo to cut and $85.oo to grind a deer, dosnt matter the size. I have found a place that will do the grinding for you at a 1.85 per pound, But you cut it off the bone and in to strips before you bring it in.

I may get in to the sausage stuffing thing later once I have tried a few recepies and get used to how the grinder opperates. It didnt come with much litteriture, just that it came from itialy which blades to use and when to use them and where the on and off switch is, Oh ya keep your fingers out of the back hole [shocked].

I like the new grinder, my nephew realy likes the new ginder, he sat down to have a beer and by the time he finshed his beer the deer was ground. He was happy he got in on the grinder deal.

you get 5-8 guys togther and get one of them who dosnt mind getting his elbows bloodied a grinder and send him to your county health department and get him safe serve cirtified, the first year it pays for it self and the second year it brings the price back down to hunting for food and not sport.
I forgot, congradulations on your buck, mine had broken antlers.

what preservitives are you using for your sausage, I am assuming what you are producing can be stored in air tight packaging at room tempriture?

I have seen two verieties, one has to be refrigerated and the other can set on the counter shelf but has to be refrigerated after opening.

we used to have summer sausage on our store shelves, but as of late our county says no more, it has to be sold with in 4 hours if not thrown away or it must be refrigerated at all times.