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I was listening to the radio and tv yesterday and on every channel I heard some one crying about the loss of fish in our oceans.
it would seem there is a cry for closed fishing areas, more so the need for closing more areas to fishing.
now dose this mean they will close fishing in the areas to individual fisherman or comercial trollers traping and netting I dont know. but it would seem that the comercial industry has maximized its skill of removing fish that a number of species have now become extint, and an alarming number of fish have been placed on the endangered list, and there are a number of species so widely sought after such as cod, they have been placed on the major concerned list.
we as anglers have known and forseen this coming for years, we have hollared as screamed about it for years, we have asked for regulated comercial fishing for years that would reduce the number and size and how the fish are captured along with limiting the number of forgien comercial fishing huallers in the area per season. We have asked that hualers without permits be brought in to dry dock and its crew shipped back to the point of origin of the hauler by other means of transportation. the owner of the freighter can then pick up his ship one year from the date it was captured. this alone will inforce and deture poaching by the comercial industry.
one of the problems with technology is that it gets too good at what it dose for its own good. to the point of the matter the worlds population is to great for our oceans to suport.
the comercial fishing industry is now going to have to settle for limited and set income from the oceans. it will now have to pay to have these area cultivated to ensure there are harvest every year.
this reminds me of when I was a kid and every one was screaming about saving the whales. the major countries have passed laws regulating whaleing but there are still smaller countries that still hunt whales.
I think Japan for one still hunts whales. Unfortunately the greed of man thinks nothing about tomorrow just how much money can he make today. No different that the big game hunter. "I'm only killing one elephant there are plently left in the wilderness". Duh I don't think so. Once the natural resourse is gone then it is GONE. End of chapter. Sad isn't it.
I read the reports as well this past week and your right DaveT when you say we as sportsmen have grumbled about this for years. The problem we have in the NE is they where going after the sportsmen and not the commercial fishermen. Our limits where reduced and the commercial guys could rape the bottom without anything being said. FINALLY they have caught on to who has done the most damage. Now when the fluke and stripers have rebounded back, they want to mess with the quota once more.[crazy]
You is right gdn443. Couldn't have said it better. Sportsmen need to speak up every chance we get.
Imagine how things would be if commercial fishing of all sorts were stopped completely. No harvesting of any species of fish for any commercial reasons. Could you imagine how good the fishing would become, just after the first year or two? It would be incredible. Every species of fish would thrive in off the chart numbers. Every fishing trip would be filled with fish, no matter how bad the conditions were.

Offcourse i'm in dream land right this second, but what a great dream it would be.

I remember when I was a little boy, walking down the pier in Myrtle beach with my fishing pole in my hand, I knew I was going to catch something. But that was then, and the feeling I get walking down a pier or heading through the inlet in my boat is much different now. IT's a feeling of uncertainty. The conditions could be perfect and you are doing everything right, and you still might not catch a thing. THe fish just aren't there like they use to be.
[#4040ff]What a great idea, too bad it would never happen. The way they'er going it won't be long till they fish it all out. At least we have memorys of great salt fishing as kids. We'ed head out for cod or mackerel and if we had a poor day you could always go in and get a 5 gal. bucket of fat winter flouder to take home. Now I don't even waste the gas for them. [unsure][/#4040ff]