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Full Version: How to use powerbait Right
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Hi there

I was wondering, how do I fish with powerbai the right way, I have try some diffrent ways but not sure I do it right ?
i used to use power bait as a kid and caught many a trout on the paste baits. first id tie on a weight of some kind. (i preferred a bubble filled completely full of water, but a lead sinker would also do the job) then i tied on a swivel to minimize twist. then id tie on 3-4 feet of leader line. lastly id tie a small treble hook to that. (as small as size 18) then you just use enough paste to cover the hook and ensure that it will float.

you want that little ball of bait to float the 3-4 feet above the weight. that way your weight is on bottom, but your bait is suspended up from the rocks, weeds, logs, etc.

this rig will yield plenty of trout. most of the time the trout will swallow the hook, so remember to plan on keeping most of what you catch. if you have to release a fish that has swallowed the hook, just cut the leader as close to the fishes mouth as possible and let the fish go with the hook in it. (i wouldnt recommend using this rig in catch and release waters, or if you dont plan on eating a lot of trout) this is a great rig for the put-and-take trout fisheries.
[black][size 3]Hey funnel,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Bkidder gave you the good low down on good power bait presentation. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Here's a couple of more tips.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]You can get power bait to adhere a little better by preparing snelled hooks in advance and putting them in the fridge for a few hours before hand.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]To get power bait to stay on the hook a little better, while using a standard bait holder hook(the single kind), after you put enough to just cover the hook, dip it in the water where you are and soak it for a minute or so before casting.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Again, to echo Bkidders advice, when using power bait, don't plan on releasing the fish - they usually swallow it and hook themselves too deeply to be released with much chance of survival(trout are not really a robust kind of fish).[/size][/black]