Hello all, just wondering if anyone has any gear changes for this years rifle season. This year, im going to be switching over to some sniper reloads i got from the local sherrifs department. They are .308 Caliber with 168 Grain Hollowpoint boat tail, with a rated velocity of 2800 FPS. I shot them last year for T-Zone and had excelent balistic performance. Ive never seen a bigger hole in a doe.
Make sure it is a head shot.[

] That's what i plan on for my doe nuht starting next saturday.
Nah, ill just go for the rib cage. Its kind of hard to shoot a deer in the head when its running at 25 miles per hour through. All kinds of brush.
Yeah, definately a problem if they are running. Where i hunt, they will be spot and stock. I will not shoot at a fast running animal.
Oh, we do 1 1/2 mile deer drives with up to 30 people. Shoot whatever runs up. This is how we spend 98% of our rifle seasons. Ive always wanted to try spot and stalk but, with a rifle its more of a spot and shoot. I might give it a try with my bow this year.
Well, im off to deer camp in Price County, wish me luck! I should have some pictures when i return.
Well back from camp. The first day 1/2 of us stood on the stands for 4 hours then went and did deer drives while the other half stood the entire time. Turns out not a deer was seen or shot. It wasnt a waste of the day though, because we got some new deer drive areas scouted and found out some virgin country was widely hunted. The next day, we all had it in our heads it was killing time on our 8 scheduled drives. 4 of our drives were 1/2 mile drives through popple slashes. These "hell walks" yeilded nothing but scrtches and bad tempers, so we moved onto the hardwood drives. The next 2 were crap also. The second to last one, Gene, one of the older members in our hunting party of 8, shot a small forker. Then the next drive, I was one of the drivers. I was going over a ridge when I heard the distinct 25-06 "KAWOOM KAWOOM KAWOOM" Getting all excied i hurried up the pace, only to find in front of me a huge 8 pointer 5 minutes later in a heap across the log. I checked it to see if it was still alive. When i poked the eye it blinked, so i had the pleasure of finishing it off with the old .308. What a sucessful weekend.
I just woke up from a nap after my successful morning doe hunt. Myslef and my son were only gone for 1 hour and finished with a fat doe. It rolled down the mountain to within 20' of my trucks tailgate.
Wow nice! Did your son shoot it or is he still to young? Looks like an excellent head shot, what did you shoot it with?
No, he is only 3 1/2. I shot it with a 30-06 w/federal 165 gr. fusion bullet. No meat wasted.
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Nice work! Definitely not a single morsel of tasty meat wasted on that gal. Great shot![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I am sorry if anyone found the last pic a little too gruesome. My apologies.
How are those fusion bullets? Ive been looking around at different types of bullets and different loads, because this year im going to do alot of testing with my rifle to see if i cant find a good, fast, accurate rifle load. So far im very impressed with the Nosler Balistic Tips for white tails, not to heavy duty, yet not real light and frangible. I still have to find out how much free bore my rifle has, its a Remington model 600 .308, a bit outdated but it sure is reliable.
congradulations, Nice looking animule.
looks like freezer meat to me....[cool]
I was wondering, do you need a special license for rifle season doe as we do in michigan or do you have a hunters choice?
It is all lottery for antlerless in UT unless you buy a landowner tag from the land owner. I drew my doe tag in the state drawing. The only hunters choice we have is archery.
That make 2 animals shot with them this year, and i couldn't be more happier with them. They group very well and mushroom very nicely. The slug from my elk retained 95% of it's origional weight. I posted a pic on the utah board but it is a little hard to see. I will find the slug and put up another pic on this thread.
I found that the factory silver tips springfeild rounds by federal, remington and winchester to all be flat shooting and more than reasonably accurate.
I use 165 - 200 grain. when I cut loose at the range the guys 6 benches in both directions away start developing a flinch when I pull the trigger.
My gun kicks like a missuri mule when I fling out one of them rounds, the guns light wieght is the reason behind that. and the short barrol lets out a trimendous shout, the nois alone will knock down a deer should I miss with the round...
Ok, we are hunting by the same rules then.
I usualy draw an antlerless permit every year, except this year for some reason.
Here in Wisconsin, you buy an archery or rifle tag and get one buck and one doe tag. A new rule this year is that you can only use your buck tag for a buck. All extra antlerless tags range from 2-15 dollars depending on what unit you hunt in.
Season has come to a close! Yesterday, I shot a nice 4 pointer on a deer drive, he cut out behind us in a marsh, and i shot him 65 yards away, running wide open. My bullet entered high in the ribcage on the deers left side, and got lodged in the spine. Today, my friend and I shot at a doe on a new logging road that we call the cessena runway because its so big, at 405 yards. The bullet entered the ribcage and got lodged in the hind quarters. What a long shot for Wisconsin.