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[black][size 3]Check it out and then you decide about the pros and cons of jigging vs tip-ups.[/size][/black][size 1]
[/size][#333366][size 3][url ""]Are Tip-ups right for you ? click here [/url][/size][/#333366]
Ill stick with the tip-ups.
I use both
I tend to use both too it sure does cover a lot of area in no time at all..[Wink]
Ive never had any luck jigging. Im gonna try more this year though, since im building an ice shack and i will be out there almost the whole time.
I do more jigging from out side of the shanty. I tend to move from hole to hole,

there is a new modle of shanty one man clam you can pick up for under 150. unless you have access to free materials you may want to concider that.

be sure to do your home work, go and price all your materials before you start, the cost of building supplies are sky rocketing where as the price of portable shanties seem to be coming down slightly, especialy in regeons of questionable ice.

having a structure on the ice requires regular maitance, when it rains you have to go out and jack your shanty up to keep it from sinking in, you have to dig it up in areas with heavy snows to keep it from getting burried. in either case if you dont you will find your feet getting wet when you cut open your hole and the water rises up due to the presure of the ice.

one more problem a perminant structure come from when heating, it bleive it or not, melts the ice under nieth if you use it a lot or the sun hits it a lot.

I have seen shantys in mid winter fall though the ice because the guys heat them to 90 degrees, also not being used at all and just from the suns heat thawed the ice. this happens when the guys make their shanty's black. yes it is free heat on a sunny day, but it is also a hot brick on the ice when not in use.

to make a long explination short, to avoid problems when the weatherman calls for heavy snow, rain, or you have been fishing in the same place for a week, lift your shanty up for percipitation and move it once a week. Mark the old spot so no one walks on the area.

I am glad you stopped here before building your shack. in my younger days I used a shanty every year, but as I got older I found that quality thermal clothing to be cheeper than perminant or portable shanties.

I am not trying to talk you out of it, I like shanty fishing as much as the next angler, it is just there is a lot to know, and I dont want you to make the same mistakes I have seen others do, I grew up ice fishing so I had the benifit of talking to the oldtimers and paying heed, true their fish stories seem to get bigger by the year but they have never sent me on bad ice.
there are only two times when I dont use a tipup and one time when I dont use my jigging rods.

they are;

I dont jig when it is my turn to cook. its tipups only.

I dont use tipups when I am on a lake where there is nothing to catch with a tipup, and I cant buy or catch bait for my tipup.

in the summer time I love big bobber fishing as much as tipup fishing, same set up, just a bigger hole and a bobber the size of a hardball...

I live in an area where I am allowed two fishing poles, I jig and cast in the summer with big bobber and winter I jig and tipup. tipup counts as one pole.
Im glad you told me all that information before it was too late. I have some old jacks in my attic that I used to use for the camper I will install. When I have all my plans drawn up on either google sketch or normal graph paper, I'll get them on the internet for you guys to critique.
I use to use my spud to chipp away around the bottom of my shack, and I used a 4x4 and a peice of fire wood as my jack. I didnt do it alone either, usualy there would be several of us out there at the same time doing the same thing so we just lent each other a hand.

dont go to fancy on your details, simple is always better when ice fishing, You may want to include a shelf with a lip around the edge for your radio or portable tv so you can catch the superbowl game while ice fishing.

here in michigan, the only guys that I know of that still use home grown structures are spearing for pike. "check the rules around your hood." spering for pike is leagle in michigan during the winter months.

for spearing anglers will use a hole about 12-18 inches in width and near the full lenth of the shanty.

one last tip,

the eskimo's know
where the huskies go,
you dont want to eat no yellow snow.[Tongue]