Fishing Forum

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Handfishing, bass pass, paddlefish, and trout fishing regulations included

The Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission has approved a variety of fishing regulation changes for 2007. At a public hearing in Chanute Oct. 26, the commission approved the following regulations:

Handfishing - Establishes a handfishing season of June 15 - Aug. 31 for flathead catfish on the Kansas River and the Arkansas River (Wichita to the Oklahoma border). A $25 permit will be required. While handfishing had not been allowed in Kansas prior to enactment of this approved regulation, several other states do allow the practice. The regulation prohibits the use of hooks, snorkeling or scuba gear, or other man-made devices while engaged in handfishing.

Bass Pass - Establishes a Tournament Bass Pass (fee $10) which allows participants in registered bass tournaments held between Sept. 1 and June 15 to keep two fish, to be released after tournament weigh-in, that meet the statewide minimum length limit but are under a special length limit for that fishing location. The regulation also allows anglers in registered tournaments to cull their catch, meaning they can replace a small fish in their livewell with a larger one. To qualify for these tournaments, organizers must provide adequate weigh-in procedures and boats must be equipped with working livewells that contain an electrolyte chemical-water solution.

Paddlefish Permit - Establishes a permit required of anyone wishing to snag paddlefish during the snagging season opened at designated waters. The $10 permit will include six paddlefish tags, which must be affixed to each fish caught that exceeds the length limit.

Trout Fishing Permits - Establishes two categories of trout fishing waters. Waters in one category would require all anglers fishing there, for any fish species, to have a trout permit ($10) during the Oct. 15 - April 15 trout season. Waters in the other category would require a trout permit only for anglers fishing for and harvesting trout.