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Full Version: Largemouth bass restriction on Lake Maumelle to end
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LITTLE ROCK - The protected slot limit on Lake Maumelle's largemouth bass will be removed on Jan. 1 by action of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

Under current regulations, fishermen who catch largemouths from 13 to 16 inches long must return them to the water immediately. When this restriction ends on Jan. 1, anglers will be able to keep largemouth bass of any size.

Mike Armstrong, AGFC's chief of fisheries, said, "Largemouth bass growth rates and size structure are not meeting the management objectives. Growth rates are comparable to Lake Ouachita out to about 13 inches then growth slows considerably. Very few fish will make it out of the slot."

Lake Maumelle is a water supply lake for the city of Little Rock and several fish management techniques, such as fertilizing the lake, cannot be used. But the lake is highly popular with fishermen of the area. Along with black bass like largemouths, it has a good fishery for striped bass and white bass. Crappie, bream and catfish also provide action for anglers.