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Full Version: Short notice ice hunt trip
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I know this is short notice, but I'm thinking of leaving SLC about 11:00 or so on friday and heading in search of ice. I had originally intended on taking the short rods and the long rods and going to strawberry, but after reading BLFG's post about ice on Birch creek I could be easily persuaded to head that direction. I've got room for 4 if anyone wants to chip in for gas. I'll check back throughout the morning so drop me a reply or send a PM if interrested.
Change of plans.
I'm heading to woodruff/birch creek tomorrow morning dark and early. If I'm solo I'm going to try to jump in with kentofnsl, if not I've got plenty of room for three others and all the gear you care to bring. Let me know if anyone else wants to go.