[cool][#0000ff]Well, Mama Nature and Old Man Winter teamed up in Utah the past few days to smack us around pretty good. Got a big dump of snow and the temperatures have really taken a dive...4 degrees at night and only up into the 20's during the day. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Other spots in the country are colder, but that is enough to put a "lid" on the float tubing...in the form of a layer of ice over most of the lakes. There are still a few spots where I might be able to get afloat before the end of the year, but not many.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I guess it's time to get back to the keyboard and work on the tubing book. I have made a lot of progress and I hope to have it ready to hand off to a printer shortly after the first of the year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now, if only I didn't have to keep making so many ice fishing jigs...[/#0000ff]
Why so many jigs? Do ya lose that many in a season?[

[cool][#0000ff]Several reasons for so many jigs. First, I have to keep both me and TubeBabe well supplied...for many species on many waters. We fish probably 90% with various types of jigs, in many sizes and color...plastic, marabou, baitbugs, etc. Second, I am the preferred source of supply for several other friends and fishing buddies. I do not sell my stuff, but I do have a mutually beneficial "barter" arrangement going with a few folks. Third, I am always working on new designs and colors. If you visit the [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?jump=forum%3D128"]LURE AND JIG MAKING[/url] board, which I also moderate, you will see lots of new stuff I am always working on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I DO fish a lot, and I often fish in "dangerous" waters, with lots of structure and snags. So, I do donate a few of my creations on most trips. If you don't fish in the cover, you are often not going to catch much.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lastly, I am the senior angler in a large family of fishermen. I have a tough time keeping up with the "needs" of the family members who fish...and who rely on me for their "discounted" tackle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You might say that I'm a bit more serious than most casual anglers. In the attached pics you can get an idea of the scope of my operations. I make large batches and then keep them in compartmented boxes for either my own personal use or to go to "other destinations". [/#0000ff]
I think I am a longf distant lost relative just wanting to come home and go fishin[cool]
[#505000]I have raided the tackletorium a time or two and siezed several pieces of critical evidence!! [cool] (critical to my fishing success anyway) What we have here boys is a large clandestine tackle making operation![/#505000]
[#505000]If you see an older feller on the corner in or near any body of water looking around furtively and exchanging small packages in brown paper to passing motorists, and pedestrians that would be "The Dude".[/#505000]
[#505000]I've seen it and been after this operation for some time. unfortunately since when it comes to "The Dude's" special recipie for homemade tackle I am on the take, little was done other than set up my own clandestine tackle making lab! Just don't tell the authorities. If word gets out Berkeley, Rapala, Eagle Claw, and others may send over two burly men, named Vinny, and Vito. To have a "pleasant" little chat with "The Dude" about him muscling in on their racket. [
I've never met 'The Dude' but his legend just wafts out of my computer screen. I've been in tackle stores that have less good stuff than he shows on his pics. No doubt that his autographed book will be sold out and into third and fourth printings. Reserve me a copy.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks, guys. At this point my game plan is to self publish and to maintain complete control over distribution. That will allow me to be sure to personally sign all the copies that go out to BFTers. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am not looking to score any best seller listings or to become rich and famous with it. I only want to download all the stuff that is cluttering up my mental database and put it out for others to use...if they can.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, I know I have been the subject of intense observation and line tapping (mono...not wire). Everybody wants to get the goods on (outta) me. But, I got news fer ya copper. You'll never take me alive. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Vito? Vinny? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAA! They not only "sleep with the fishes"...they feed the fishes. Two more big boxes of catfish bait...right under the carp meat in my secret freezer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For all youse udder guys, I gotta tell yas that CP has developed quite an addiction his own self. Had to pay for his new baby with food stamps after buying a buncha jig molds and fancy hooks. The only justice in his fambly is that his wife took over his new Fish Cat 4 before he got to even use it much. That's only fitting.[/#0000ff]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]I've made some "transactions" with "The Dude" [
Good luck with the book Pat. Everyone here who has been inspired by you is looking forward to the finished work.
As you might surmise it's pretty cold up here in Ontario, Canada. I haven't been in my tube since the beginning of November. My friend and I are already into winter fishing mode. There is a trout farm with a pond that stays open all winter due to substantial flow. We flyfish and cast from shore to visible fish so it's a bit like fishing in a goldfish ball, but the fish are high quality fighters and it's a great place to try out new patterns and creations. Like you, I love to experiment and create and I'm always on the look out for new materials and techniques. I think you already know that although I flyfish almost exclusively I love to toss small jigs and spinners with the flyrod. I enjoy pushing the envelope and irritating the "purists".
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks. At least you have some open water to fish, even in the coldest temps. That is not available to lots of northern climate anglers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Stay COOL! Ha![/#0000ff]
We have open water here! Fish, too. Flies are all tied. Gear is ready to go. Season is perfect. All the fish on the sonar have their mouths open (to borrow an observation from our fearless leader.) But alas, I've been sick. Aaaarrghhh! Better days coming though, I hope. I hope to get some pics for you icebouders soon.
TD, I look forward to your book, too.
BTW, I think your decision to self publish is a good one. It proved to be a good choice for me. I don't have to worry about someone else owning a piece of my stuff and it provides a steady source of income. (Not fishing related, of course. Only a few masters can do that.)
[cool]Stay warm, Smallmouth. (Any steelies yet?)
[cool][#0000ff]Are you ready for that little package of flashy jiggies I promised? I have had them painted for a long time, but need to dress a few and send the rest for you to decorate as you wish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Coming soon...to a mailbox near you. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you get better soon. This is a bad time of year for folks to get the miseries.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Ho Ho Ho.[/#0000ff]
Zonker, Those Ponies work well with a marabou tail. I think you'll like them. I've caught some good trout on the small ones. Get well soon. P. M. or email me about your publishing efforts. I'm always interested in creative endeavours.
Everytime I turn my head, I have another Uncle popping up from somewhere.[shocked] I guess that beings that you are from some of my old fishing grounds, you must belong in the family too.[cool]
I am one of the family recipients of TubeDudes fancy jigs. I am in So Cal and use the jigs in fresh and saltwater applications.[

You bet I'm ready for the jigs! I'm poised to use them, too. I've been tying a lot of flies lately so I'm even geared up to "decorate" them. I'll be watching the mailbox and will let you know when things arrive. Really appreciate it.
Today was my first full day working. A little puny still but definitely on the mend. Considered going fishing tomorrow but decided I probably shouldn't push my luck.
[cool]Can't wait for the mail.
PM on the way.
Man, only if i had the space to have my own fishing section. [cool]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Bro, it is a simple matter of logistics and priorities. If the family and pets are taking up perfectly good space that you can use for tackle...well, they gotta go. After all, what is more important?[/#0000ff]