If you didn't get drawn this time and still want to hunt Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetails, Bear or Cougar, I can recommend a couple of great Outfitters. One in CO for Elk and Black Bear (over the counter tags for second and third rifle season: October) and another in Idaho for Elk, Mule/whitetail, Bear and Cougar, guaranteed tags/license. (Sept Archery, Oct/rifle or Nov/muzzle loader). I have hunted with them and find them excellent guides. Prices are very fair. Email me for particulars. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Hello Ghost,<br>Who is your recomendation in CO., I have a brother in Durango that has been trying to talk me into coming out one of these seasons. I've been there in the off season and had never seen such a big population of Elk (Not that I've seen that many) and the deer heards were healthy with solid racks! I would love to make this happen this year. Any otc tags on Mule Deer for that second and third rifle season?<br><br>Before you leave today why not

,<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm" target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm</A><br>Mike
Mike,<br>Bar Diamond Outfitters in Hotchkiss, CO. They hunt the Gunnison Wilderness area. Good Elk country with some nice 6x6 Bulls. Lots of 4 and 5 point Bulls too. Tags are otc for 2nd-3rd rifle (Oct). No Deer tags as they are draw only now. You can give Dellis and Linda Ferrier a call at: (970) 527-3010, tell them David said hello!<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
I spoke with one of my Outfitter friends in Idaho today and he has 1 opening in October (10th) for rifle and a few left for the last week of October (rifle 27th-Nov 3rd). I'm looking at the 27th myself. His hunt is for Elk, Mule Deer/Whitetail, Bear and Cougar. Tags and license are guaranteed and INCLUDED in the price of his 7 day hunt. There may be some openings for muzzle loading season (November 10-27th) He will let me know. Just send me an email or post here if you have any questions. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Another hunt has opened in Manitoba, Canada. Hunt Ducks and Geese in the morning, Grouse (several varieties) in the day and Black Bear in the evening. $1,500 includes tags. Late Sept through October.<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
I just returned from Idaho and saw some great Bucks. The Outfitter offers combo hunts as well as trophy Deer hunts. Your Deer tag is good for one animal of your choice: Whitetail Buck, Mule Deer Buck, Black Bear or Cougar. Price is $1,500 for a 5 day wilderness trip. (tags cost $235.50 and non resident license runs $128.50). Camps are very nice with wall tents, cots, all food (top rate), guide, horses, hot showers, etc. Spots are limited, email if you want more details. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"