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Full Version: Scofield 12/9
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Me my son my friend and his son hit Scofield today. It was 7 degrees when we arrived at 9 and 35 when we left at 3:30. It was beautiful all day with just a little breeze late. We were north of the island in 20' of water. We started catching immediately. With the exception of a few slow spells we caught fish all day. The majority of our fish were 16-17" with only a few 10-12". I am going to smoke some fish for the holidays and have some fresh sushi tomorrow so we kept three limits of nice big bows. We iced over 60 fish today, (50 for my friend and his son) I couldn't buy a bite even though I was 10" away from him and he was "vexilarless" I had the pleasure of watching 200 trout come up and sniff my bait and then go off to bite his and his sons jigs. We caught no cutts or tigers today. The ice was plenty thick all over. We had a HUGE pressure ridge break the silence today. It was the loudest I have ever heard, it sounded like thunder. It scared the crap out of my 11 year old as well as our other fishing buddies. Nevertheless it was a great day to be on the ice.

You guys did very well! Nice work on puttin' some big fat bows on the hard deck. Did you guys walk out to the island, or did you take machines?
I couldn't buy a bite even though I was 10" away from him and he was "vexilarless" I had the pleasure of watching 200 trout come up and sniff my bait and then go off to bite his and his sons jigs. [/reply]

I have had the same problem, setting their watching every one catch fish and nothing hit my line. I have fond something that works to take the skunk off of the jig. I now carry the alcohol hand sanitizer in my tackle box. It does not always help but it has worked more than not. I rub it on my hands and with my hands still wet I rub the jig or rig up a new jig with clean hands. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you or anyone else.
We had three atvs with us. If you were there you would have undoubtedly seen my son driving our red one all over the place.

I figured that the problem with my lures that the fish were snubbing was the smell or lack thereof. I usually have "No Scent soap" or at least some Smelly Jelly with me, but being my first ice trip this season, I forgot it and it didn't make the trip.

I seldom use anything to "smell" up the lure. A few times I have used some smelly jelly but not very often. Were you using a power (gas) auger? The gas smell drives the fish away if it gets on your hands, which transfers to your bait and hook and line. When the fish start coming in and not biting, I will start using the rod tip sensor and find that they are biting, just too light to detect with the rod tip. Just a thought or two.