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Full Version: Chesterfield, Devil Creek, and Roberts Reports
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My son and I had a very good weekend on the ice. We hit Chesterfield before dawn on Saturday morning. I was really looking forward to this place, but was dissapointed. In three hours we only had three bites, and they were single small hits. I only saw one group near us catch two, however, nice fish. Ice was 6-7 inches, and the best combination for us was pink jigs with crawler and a salmon egg tipped in addition.

After our initial frustration we headed over to Devil Creek. The ice depth varies from 3-6 inches (more on the 6 side.) I headed over to my special spot and we were immediatly into the fish. What was really great is that we only fished with two poles; I don't think a minute went buy without either of us getting a hit from 12:30-3:30. I just purchased a Vexilar and it made my day[Smile] In three hours we iced 44 fish. After 3:30 it died off and we caught six more using five poles. We left at 5:00. I will say to help put back fish we used pink jigs with crawler. I fished with chartruse jigs in the beginning, but the fish were swallowing even large tube jigs. Powerbait works, but again the swallow factor. Most fish were in the 20-38 foot range. We did ice one nice 16' Koke. Most Bows were in the 13' range, but we landed one at 16'.

Roberts on Sunday was great! My best tip is to keep moving when the fishing slows down and jig then keep your pole steady. Perch eyes and no bait worked the best. 39 perch, 2 banana trout, and 2 bows. In 2.5 hours of fishing. I do want to vent a little; I lent my auger two five young men, which I will always do; people have helped me many times on the ice. What made me mad is when they left the had shoved chip bags under the ice, left cans of pepsi and corn. One big mess; not to mention the perch they left behind. My back was turned when they left or I would have wrote their plates down. In no way is this a rip on teen fisherman; heck you guys have beem some of the best resources I have. These were just five idiots! I hope you all did well this weekend.
Chesterfield been very slow for us so far this winter. Tough place to get em through the ice. Devils crick has been good so has Weston,
Thanks for the reports.

I hope the guys that you met at Roberts can learn to change their ways. I also had a problem with hook mortality at Devil Creek when I fished it. I ended up having to keep 5 that were hooked bad.

What part of Chesterfield were you fishing and how deep were you fishing?

Did you see many fish on the Vexilar at Chesterfield compared to Devil Creek?
Wow I would have thought Chesterfield would be good this winter. I will be busy for another week or so but I will get out there during the Christmas vacation.

Thanks for the report.
Yeah to all three of my fellow fisherman I was surprised to. I honestly think the three bites I had was from the same fish. My instinct told me to move, but it takes time to set up ten poles. I was by the western side of the dam fishing 12-18 feet of water. I only saw one fish on the Vexilar. When I did decide to move it was to Devil Creek and not 200 yards in another direction. Thats what I love about this part of Idaho, you are really not far from another good location. If I was at PaliSades I would have moved 200 yards. I will not rule Chesterfield out; I probably just need to learn the water. There are nice fish in Chesterfield, and they derseve a return trip.

Chesterfield slow we fished there three times so far. Fished from the dam all he way up to the orange balls on the reservation boundary. Not sure whats going on there but Devils Crick and Weston been good for us so no need to drive all the way up to Chesterfield. I'm bettin hawkins will fish good but I haven't been over that way.