Fishing Forum

Full Version: Bear River 12/1/06
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There's not too much fishing to do during the the "Ice-on waiting period" so I decided to go out try my "Duck Luck". We headed out to the Bear river and decided to float from Tremoton to Corrine. We attached a small trolling motor to the duck boat and kept the in-board on the back to get back up the river. We immediatley spotted a couple a greenheads floating around a tight corner. We floated down around the corner and I took my first Double. Two nice greenheads in the boat within 5 minutes. We floating around tight corners and sure enough, the mallards would be there every time. We easily shot our limits and were lucky enough to jump some geese and have one of them take a "U" turn right for the boat. We shot 14 ducks in all and a big canada. Good times!
Nice job Hookjaw. [Smile]

Nice goose!
What no Wood ducks? I was hoping to see a bunch this year, but i have only seen them at Layton park and Roy pond. I shot a drake very late last year, hopefully they will be in the same area.
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Nice work on that banded goose and limit of ducks. I think I might know where you guys put in at.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]