Myself, Lil'Lunkerhunter, djremo, and his kids went to an undisclosed pond today and had a heck of a time. We all caught trout running from 12" to 24"! We caught a total of about 30 fish. I caught a 24" bow that weighed 6 1/2# about an hour before we left. My largest rainbow to date. Fish were caught on worm and bobbers. I don't want to name this place due to the fact it can't handle any more pressure. Enjoy the pics.
I don't see any pics.
I hate loosing a whole post so i post the text first. Sorry to keep you waiting. Here they are.[cool]
I think you got BOW-zilla. Nice fish.
Released for another day too. All fished released.
Nice work Brody. Looks like you guys had a great time.
Nice fish Brode! That's awesome you released them [
That is a new pond. I didn't know they had bows that big in it all ready. Congrats.
wtg on the bow. I know that
That was a nice fish. It was fun watching your kids pulling all those fish in. I also liked watching the kids putting them back. You are teaching them well.
I think the trout farm can take a little more pressure. WHy didn't you just tell everyone? [
Not being an a-hole. If one person finds out, a hundred will be there. I know alot of other people feel the same way. I have had 7 pm's already. Many people know where i was.
I was just givin' you a hard time man! [
] I agree with you... No need to hotspot a small place. [cool]
congratz on the big bow
Congrats on the nice fish, it is good to see people taking the youngsters to the pond and having a good time fishing. I know that pond well, I built the two canopies over the picnic tables, and the pier. I hope you and the boys have a wonderful time fishing at your pond, and I hope you help keeping it in good shape.
Me and trout_slayer will be there Saturday, hopefully those big ones you caught will taste good on the grill that night, thanks for releasing them for me. [
] The limit's 15 right? So that's 30 between the two of us. That's gonna be a hearty pre-Christmas Eve dinner!
The limit is 4 fish total.