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Anybody know if the resevoirs around Preston have safe ice?

Fosters, Lamont, Johnson, etc????
I haven't heard anything recent but I would put money on being able to ice fish any of the small reservoirs around Preston. Maybe someone with more information will post some more information.
The ice won't be very thick so be careful.
Last time I was up by Preston most of them weren't iced up yet. That was two weeks ago but it was really warm for two weeks. It has been cold for a couple of days but I am not sure that I would venture out on them yet. I know that Treasureton is fishable. I also know that you can ice fish Weston, Deep Creek and Devils Creek. If you do try them drill holes often to check the thickness. Also Glendale always has soft edges so please be careful.

You will be alright on the upper end of Foster (by the highway). As far as the other lakes, I know Treasureton has ice on it, but was pretty soft for about 10 feet around the edges. I imagine by Saturday that you can get on Glendale and Johnson, but be careful.
Thanks for the info, I was thinking about taking my nephew the day after Christmas, but now I may wait until after the new year.
I know weston and deep creek are fishable as well.