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Full Version: Jordanelle Rock Cliff ice conditions?
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Does anyone happen to know the latest on the ice conditions on the Rock Cliff side of Jordanelle? I know there is ice, just wondering how deep of water one is able to safely access on the ice?
There is ice but the water under the ice is only 10 to 14 feet deep ....

It will be a wile the water temp the last time I was there was 39 last week...
Thanks Cliff, If this moisture is falling as rain on Jordanelle it sure won't help the ice situation.
do you catch many browns through the ice? i ice fished it once a couple of years ago and caught plenty of perch and bows, but no browns at all. i dont know if i'll fish it this ice season, but i am curious if you regulars get browns through the ice.

thanks, bkidder
[cool][#0000ff]There are quite a few browns taken through the ice at Jordanelle. They feed aggressively all winter, on both chubs and perch. If you find areas where the young perch are staying you will find larger perch, bows and browns. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lots of big chubs too. In fact I had a couple of reports last winter from guys with underwater cameras. They dropped down in areas with a lot of sagebrush in about 45 feet of water and saw large numbers of 2" perch fry. Big perch were feeding on them and occasionally schools of big chubs would come through, with browns mixed in among them for camoflage. The browns would break away and make feeding runs on the perch and then rejoin the chubs. Pretty clever, huh?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]People fishing the Rock Cliff arm probably catch the most browns. They seem to hit best right after daybreak and just before dark. But, I have seen them come through the ice during the day too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The big problem with hooking browns is that they are usually around structure (trees) and they often head for the timber when hooked. You are lucky if you can get them up past the branches without getting wrapped. There are a lot fewer brought to the hole than hooked. And, they often go wacko at the hole too. A lot of rolling and twisting that can break light line or disconnect small hooks. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You definitely EARN every brown you ice.[/#0000ff]