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Full Version: Strawberry saturday
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Sorry I'm posting late but I forgot how to post. We fished Renigade about 200 feet from the shore. It was on the 4 inch ice (some ice was 6 or 7 inches) in about 30 to 33 feet of water. This was my two sons and their two friends. I was really a unhappy angler. I fished for about two hours with only one bite, this is while every body else was catching. We fished from 9:30am til 3:00pm. Renigade is a long way by the road trail. Not going there again until the lake is all frozen over more. But we did end up catching 80 some cutts no bows most in the slot one 22 1/2 inches a few under 15 kept one to eat. All were caught on mealworms and paddle bugs, any color. Beautiful day on the ice great day of fishing and pretty good day of catching. Dose the lake seem higher?
Thanks for posting your report, sounds like a good day on the ice. Was there anyone else fishing the area where you guys were? WH2
The lake is about 12 feet higher than it was 1 year ago.