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Full Version: SD Ice Fishing this past week
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Just a few pics from this past week or so here in South Dakota.
thanks for the photo report.

boy that ice sure looks leary...

how many inches?

I saw on the news today 40+ degrees our your way.

we have had that nasty 40 degree temp now for 4 weeks here in detroit michigan...
The northern lakes in SD north of brookings didnt suffer too bad...over 14 inches on most of them. Here near Sioux Falls I had about 7 inches of good clear hard ice on my lake...then got 2 days of rain on it....but last two nights it has been about 14 degrees and not above freezing the last two days so it is safe again. right now it's 8 inches and very strong. Probably be 9 by morning with the low about 10 degrees tonight. We have three nights in the low teens forcasted so should build some ice this week.
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Wow awesome pictures! I caught a bunch of nice sized crappies like that here in Utah the other day ice fishing.[/#ff4040][/font]
Few more from Last night. This is about 100 yards from my back
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Here is what the Crappies looked like 2 hours later.
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