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I am new to the Treamonton area. I was looking for a close place to fish and see that Cuttler is probably the closest. Is there anybody that would share any information on this reservour. It looks long and narrow. Is any area better than others? Is there any good ice fishing? What is in there?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to Tremonton WanaGoFishin,

I also live in Tremonton and my advice is to stay away from Cutler as far as ice fishing goes. Just about the entire lake is only 2-4 feet deep. There are lots of carp in there, some cats and a few walleyes but they are tough to catch there are also very few crappie and some sunfish.

As for close - your best bet is Mantua just above Brigham City you can get a mess of perch, bluegill and lgm bass. Then there are the Malad area lakes like Devils Creek, Deep Creek and Daniels or there is Hyrum and Porcupine in the southern part of Cache Valley.

Feel free to PM me sometime and maybe we can plan a trip, I've been itchin to go to Pelican out near Vernal for some whopper 'gills. One word of warning though, you will have to pose for a lot of pictures because that is what I do.