[#ff0000]Tell me a little about what is up Ogden canyon. I've followed the Pineview threads and have decided to wait until ice off and take my boat up (any idea about when that is?) I've driven by there a few times but never fished it. I understand that there is another reservoir farther up the canyon but haven't heard much about it. Just looking for new places to goof off this season, any tips or information? Many Thanx. [/#ff0000]
pineview has a really good Crappie run in may as the water is riseing.we should see a good run this year,from the ice fishing reports. Best spots seem to be were old roads get submerged. When the water is at its highest is the best time for tigers,end of may.
Causey is the nearest res. to pineview but has no boat launch. You can carry an aluminum boat down at thesouth side.
Up over monte is Woodruff and Birch Creek both have launches(dirt roads that run into the water).
Of course the big attraction to pineview is the tiger muskies, but there is also excellent smallmouth bass fishing, crappie, and of course the perch. Oh and if you are a carp hunter, the shallows of pineview are hard to beat. Causey is next like HFT said, but theres no fish in there. Hee Hee, thats sure to get a remark or two from the causey lovers brigade. Causey has kokanne, splake, and a few other trout species. Spring is a good time to hit pineview before the water gets low and the skiiers take over. plus the fishing is great too. Have fun.
Hey HFT, I've launched a boat at Woodruff before but how do you get a boat up that steep trail and launch at Birch creek or is there another road that goes around the dam? WH2
WH2. I have seen one guy launcha boat at birch creek. Holy crap, thats the most insane and rediculous thing I have ever seen. Now, after seeing BLMs new "Redneck Snow Wheeler", I would say he could find a way yo do it. But the road to the " Boat ramp" looks like a 4 wheeler trail and its on an insane hill, basically you would be nuts to try, but I did watch one guy do it once. Also I have heard that there is a road that comes in form the back end where you could get a boat in but I havent personally witnessed this. You wont be launching your rig on birch creek my friend. I know you too well.
Hey wh2. two ways into birch. up the dam, not recommended, or the pull off that tays you right to birch creek trib that dumps in could launch a boat there unless water is too low.
Thanks X, I thought there was another road that went to the back some where. Do you know if the road runs through private land? I think I saw the road on the way down Monte, before the turn off to Birch creek but I've never been on it. WH2
The back side road is the one I was talking about.I have seen it from the Dam but have not been on it. The road by the dam is too steep for me even without a boat.
[#ff0000]What you are describing sounds perfect for getting my little cartop into. I'd exchange it straight across for a bayliner any minute but it is sure nice for those hard to launch lakes. [/#ff0000]
im not sure if the land is private or not but its a county road so would make no difference as far as accessing it. i know that the road will take you right to the shoreline. Now asking me for directions is a diferent story. i have been on it once and took me a bit to find my way to the lake. in all reality there are quite a few four wheel drive roads that wander around the north side of the lake. im wondering what the water levels are this time of year hmmmm.