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Full Version: Browns still spawning??
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First off I would like to say hello to all of you. I have been reading for a while and decided to finally sign up.

Well anyway I went fishing up salt creek canyon today in the creek and the lower pond.I ended up catching 12 browns 8 of witch were in the pond. The three biggest 2 @16 and a 17 were plum full of eggs . Just surprised to see them spawning this late in the year. Just wondering if this was normal? I have seen them spawn into early december but not this late. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the site, and thanks for the report. Glad to see you got into them.

I am not sure. I am under the same impression as you... They should be done spawning. Can anyone clarify? [Smile]
I have seen browns spawning in Febuary on the lower Provo so it is not out of the norm .
Welcome senor Chris!!!!!
I've known you how long now? Let's go fishing!