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any one catching them?

what kind of bait do you use for them?

is there a limit for them in your area. and are they regulated much the same as clam?

How bad are the pin feathers this time of year? [sly] just kiddin...
OK Dave, you've got me stumped, what's a "gooy duck?" Am I the victom of an unsuspecting funny? [Tongue]
I got both a chuckle and and ouch out of it yesterday.

Its pronounced Gooy-Duck but is realy spelled geoduc

If ever there was a spectator sport this is it....

I was somewhat watching something on pbs here yesterday, having to do with foods from around the world. On one part this guy had his girfriend out with him trying to catch gooey ducks. when all of a sudden I heard her screaming so I had to come back in to see what all the excitement was about,

then she yells I am not going to tell you what this feels like,

I got back to the set only to find a man with a shovel digging a hole on the beach and a girl in a swim bare foot and swimsuit trying to grab something from under the muck at the bottom that hole.

then she scream I got it I got it and begins to pull it out of the muck and as she got part of it out of the hole it squirted her in the face. it spooked her so she let go and had to go muck diving again...

I was rolling over laughing... then she finaly got two hands on it and pulled it up out of the muck, then my gut started hurting cause I was laughing so hare when I saw what she pulled up from the hole...

interesting looking critter to say the least.

first time I ever heard of them, aperrently they are a dellicacy. they are used in sushy. (no wonder I never heard of it, I likes my fish cooked)

then came the ouch part, they threw it in to a pot of boiling water for about 6 seconds then skinned it.. Yyyyyyeeeeeoooooooooch!!![shocked]

I think I will stick to clam chowder....[Tongue]

I was going to post a picture, then in my search for one I found an artical that will give ya a chuckle or two...

after reading the following artical, seeing the pictures then thinking back to the girl on the pbs show, you too will have troubles keeping your mind out of the muck...[angelic]

the artical will tell you how to track them across the beach. all the tools you need to land one.

[url ""][/url]

any way the guy on the show said they were little known about on the east coast but are found from the carolinas all the way up in to main and canada.
LMAO! You've got to be kidding me! I can think of a few other things besides "duck" to describe that. I can't believe anyone would want to eat that thing. Geez, and to think i've been walking on "ducks" all this time. They'd be better off calling them Peter, or pedro, maybe hot dog. LOL[sly]
I'm surprised that this thread didn't get edited or sent to the private sector. [laugh][laugh]

I knew you wouldnt be able to keep your mind out of the muck on this one.[laugh]

but as soon as we start thinking like adults again, and get our childish giggling put a side, we see a real sport, a real sout after sea creature found primairly in the pacific north west.

A critter that is used in shusi and in the finest of shusi bars across the western coast.

besides, its not our fault this animal looks and behaves the way it dose, thats why I didnt post a pic here, you will just have to follow the link I provided above.

next time you go up the coast twards oregon and washington see if you cant find a gooey duck, and if you dicide to post a pic, please dont post it here....LOL.... We just are not adult enough to look at such things with out giggling.

according to the pbs show (public braudcasting show) once cleaned the primordial clam is sliced wafer thin, is tender, and sweet not a strong sea fish flaver that one might expect.
My mind is on the lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, harbors, bays and the oceans.

I'm just amazed that there is a species that is new to me.[cool]
wow, they run that far north, thats impressive.

thanks for the info.

do you live in alaska?

Hope you will take a moment to register as a member here, we would love to hear about all your fishing adventures. [cool]
They also have them on Washington state beaches.
Lol, I'm glad I seen this post, I've dug for them darn things back in Washington up around Hood Canal. It can be very entertaining at times. There is a tavern by Brinnon, Wa. called the Gooy Duck Tavern. It's been many years since I hung out there and I doubt there is even a season anymore, but this was the place to be during clamming season. They had some very hilarious photo's on the wall of people and their giant clams. Think about it, a bunch of drunks taking pictures of their fresh catch in a bar in weird pozes. Them clams have big necks. I felt sorry for the barmaids at times, but I laughed for hours.