I have some gift cards from christmas still and I am thinking about getting a new fly rod. I am going to use it mostly for the weber and ogden rivers the most I can probably afford on both reel and rod is about 150. any suggestions would be great.
thanks Joe
Buddy of mine picked up a 5-6 WT 9 FT St.Croix at Cabela's on clearance for less than half price.Regular 150.00 rod.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green][size 3]I agree totally with the top two suggestions, but Cabela's also has a TOTAL PACKAGE on sale the "Genesis" for $149. you get Line, Chest Pack, trout fly assortment with box, Two retractors, SA fly floatant,Split Shot assortment, two tapered leader, forceps, floatant holder, nippers, strike indicators and Rod and reel case. They have this in a 7'6" 4 wt., 8'6" and 9' 5wt. both are two piece.
Great deal (although keep in mind there probably isn't a warranty, but you know Cabela's)
A friend of mine got one and said the rod is a nice med to med/fast rod and the reel was nice.
I think for the waters you mentioned you might want to look at a 4wt. also.[/size][/green][/font]
Thanks for the info I will let you know what I do end up going with. I was going to drive down to Cabelas tonight but I think I will wait due to the weather.
I got the Genesis package in a 9' 5wt 4 piece. I really like it so far, and can't wait to get out to use it again
It just purchased a St Croix from the cabelas website for $89 including S&H and then a RockyMountain Large Arbor from the Orvis website for $49 plus about another $6 S&H. It listed as $79 on the website but when you click on it it comes up on sale for $49. Now I did spend another $39 for the line and they threw in backing for free (not like I don't have plenty at home). It at least saved me the time put the backing and line on myself. I got a 4 peice 9 ft 8 wt (but other choices where available including lighter rods and reels)because I have a meeting in Vancouver in May and wanted a travel rod to try some steelhead or salmon fishing for several days afterwards. If any one has suggestions for where to fish on the mainland of BC or Vancouver Island during late May I'd appreciate some advise. I'll fish anywhere the fish are running but prefer smaller less known rivers even if the fish are a bit smaller. I already found a few websites that list some runs that time of year but they just mention the bigger more famous places and say plenty of smaller rivers have runs as well.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Riverdog, Stock up on the cartridges for that Rocky Mountain, they are being replace by the Turbine (which looks a lot like the Battenkill LA....nice)
And if you have a cartridge that gets stuck, give a shout, I have some solutions.
What St Croix did you get?[/size][/black][/font]