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Full Version: East Canyon Cold and on Fire
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With the wind subsiding I decided to take a trip to EC today. It was to late to find a partner so I decided to try it alone. It was after 9:30 when my first offering headed for the bottom. Watching the screen was a little disheartening as there was nothing in sight. This would soon change as 15 minutes later there were playmates all over the place.
I have a 2 pole permit because I thought it would be nice to try different lures and techniques. This would not be the day for that. Many times I had both poles trying to hook up until finally a just gave in and went to one.

Most of the fish I was catching were at the 25 to 28 foot level. A crawdad colored jig tipped with bait or a small ice jig below a Kastmaster tipped with about anything worked.
I am new to this picture thing, but when I figure it out I will post the results for today.
I brought some home for dinner tonight but released many more than that number. All in all it was a lot hotter that the air temperature would lead you to believe!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like there were a lot of BFT members out there today. We arrived a little after 7am and parked at the ramp. A lot of people were already fishing right off the ramp, so we headed toward the dam. We were breaking through fresh snow and after 1/4 mile thought that was enough, we were wrong. The catching started off slow but once we had our tents set up and we quit moving around, it was non stop action. The later it got the more the people moved into our area until it was as crowded as the ramp was. People were running around on snowmobiles and ATVs and it sounded like a party outside our tents. The catching was steady until noon, then it slowed way down, we called it a day a little after 1 pm. Next trip we'll take an ATV and really get away from the crowds[cool]. WH2
It looked like a small township at the boat ramp so I chose to go down to the Taylor Hollow area. There were a lot of people there too. The location I normally go was overcrowded so I got away from the crowds. As in most cases on most waters, move away from the population.
I was there with one other we pulled into the boat ramp around 645 s and fished straight out from the ramp in 63 ft. We did well untill 11 and then shut off like a switch. We stayed till 4 finishing out our limit.