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Here are the results of the last 4 days of waterfowl hunting.
Sweet stack o birds you got there. It's been 10 years since I've duck hunted. Maybe I'll have to get back into it next year. Are they any good eatin? Whats your favorite way to prepare / cook them?
Any chance of getting a couple breasts shipped over to SC? [Tongue]
Too late, they are already in my fat reserves.[Wink]
Thinly slice, roll in seasoned flour, fry in hot hot oil, and dip in a 50/50 mix of pancake syrup and ketchup.
Pancake syrup and ketchup? Hmm, I'll have to try that. Does this recipe work for pheasant as well? I have a few of them in my freezer.
I would imagine. It really goes good with anything fried in flour or a light batter. Try it with elk chunks tossed in flour and parmagean(sp) cheese. MM good.
Ok, I will have to try this one. I am one for trying new things. I can see where this one might be good. But, Brodie where did you get this one dreamed up from.
I've got a buddy that's suppose to bring me some duck breast, and he had a pretty good sounding recipe. It's a little more complicated that that though, check it out.

He soaks the breast in italian dressing over night. The next day, he fillets them down the middle, but not cutting them completely in half. He stuffs the breast with fresh, diced onions and bannana peppers. He then lays fresh pieces of bacon accross the inside of the breast. Now the breast are put on the grill around medium heat. He said once the bacon starts getting crispy on the edges, the breast are done. I though this sounded like a good recipe. He said the bacon keeps them from drying out, and the peppers and onion take alot of the wild flavor out. [cool]
I got it from a friend in idaho a lot of years ago.