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Full Version: DFG Offers 2-day Wilderness Survival Clinic February 3-4
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[size 1]Anglers, hunters and hikers could benefit from the Department of Fish and Game's (DFG) wilderness survival clinic held Feb. 3-4 at the Tejon Ranch south of Bakersfield. The two-day clinic, sponsored by DFG's Advanced Hunter Education Program, runs from 9 a.m., Feb. 3, until 3 p.m. Feb. 4.

Cost is $60, and space is limited.

In studying the essentials for trips in the wilderness, participants will learn about different survival kits for various terrains, wilderness first aid, and techniques for collecting water. They will also study fire starting methods, emergency signaling, water crossing, and proper shelter building.

DFG will provide all necessary class equipment. Meals are not included.

Registration forms are available online at After registering, each participant will receive an e-mail with a map to the southern Kern County facility, a list of items to bring, and a workshop agenda.

Camping accommodations are available both Friday and Saturday at the Tejon Ranch. Offering more than 270,000 acres, the ranch is the largest span of land under single ownership in California. The ranch is located along Interstate 5, approximately 30 miles south of Bakersfield, and 60 miles north of Los Angeles.

Media Contact:

Susan Herrgesell<br />
Advanced Hunter Education Program Coordinator<br />
(530) 347-3980 [/size]