[cool][#0000ff]The rod building class for next Tuesday is full. We have 2 instructors and 12 "attendees" scheduled: Tubedude, Utwalleye will be show and tell. Invited guests will be kentofnsl, Fishhound, Hawkez, gaetzchamp, Majja, Wasatch801, CROSSNEYES, liteweight & father, Wavewolf, tlspyder13 and road. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There will be a couple of students who have volunteered to bring treats or refreshments. Those will be welcome. I will be brewing up a pot of perch chowder to help heat up the garage. Actually, I have gas heat in there, and with all the "hot air" we should be comfy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No need to bring anything for this first session. If you have something you want to bring to have evaluated or to get advice, feel free to do so. We will have a bunch of madeup rods to look at and will have components to show how a rod goes together. After that, for those who want to build their own, we will help you assemble what you need and schedule other classes in the future for putting them together.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have completed a 15 page writeup, on assembling the components and a step-by-step process for putting them together. That will be included in a CD I am finishing to hand out at the class. This will include lots of pics of wrapping options as well as pics of the different components, adhesives and finishes needed. There will also be a lot of website iinks for buying supplies and for wrapping instructions. No charge for the CD.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Weather forecast looks good for next Tuesday so hopefully we don't have to worry about a sudden snowstorm.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let's wrap![/#0000ff]
awsume... chowder!!!! oooooooo cant wait.
Hey TD what time is the class again.
[cool][#0000ff]You can show up about anytime after 6-6:30, for introductions, chit chat or whatever. We will try to get the nuts and bolts started right at 7, so we can get through the basics and leave time for questions...and "goodies".[/#0000ff]
Hey guy, thanks for putting this together. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you guys, hearing some of your "tall" tales and learning a thing or 2 about rod building.
later, gaeter!!!
looks like we have just about a full class, nice. this should be a fun class. I'll be bringing some kind of goodies also. see you then.
[cool][#0000ff]"Tall tales"???? Surely you must be referring to my height (6'3") and not my honesty. Can't vouch for everybody else though. Might be wise to wear hip boots. "It" could get pretty deep.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Pat and Chuck for an excellent class last evening.[

] Enjoyed meeting some new folks and visiting with a long-time fishing buddy last evening. The food was great, great information was presented, and a nice warm meeting place. It doesn't get much better than that.
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, it was a fun session. Thanks Kent, for your food contribution...and thanks to all the other guys who brung something edible or drinkable. We definitely had plenty and it was all good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After everybody gets through reviewing the info on the CD, you can get back with Chuck or me to help plan whatever kind of rod you want to build. As soon as we have a few serious rod makers ready to go, we will schedule another session to get them started.[/#0000ff]
Just like Kent said, it couldn't have been better.
Thanks for a wonderful time. I plan on building a rod so I'll study the cd and get back with you later.
Please thank TubeBabe as well.
I think that was a pretty good class for the first one. on the next one I will set up a weave and show how a weave is done. I will also have a cross wrap started so you guys can see how they are put together. It was also nice meeting you guys, I look forward to
the next class, witch I will be posting up very soon. it will be in Feb. and most likely on a tuesday again. later chuck
Yes thanks for the pleasant evening and instruction. Nice to meet more members from the board and put a face with a name. Can't wait to have enough time to read the information on the cd.
Yes as all the others have said I would like to say THANK YOU. IT was amazing the company, the chowder the material all first rate. I can only think of one better way to spend time and that would be participating in the final examine where we are all out in out tubes. toones or boats catching a fish on our brand new custom built rods.
Once again Thank You Pat, and TB
Pat, TubeBabe, Chuck;
Thanks for taking the time and effort to present a very informative and fun seminar on rod-building. It was nice meeting the gang and putting some faces to names and faces to food! The chowder was fantastic! What could be be better then perch AND bacon together?! I am definitely interested in building a rod.... it's just a matter of choosing which one! I also wouldn't mind trying to repair a rod or two I already have.
Thanks again for a nice time! Hope to see y'all out on the water/ice soon!
Kudos to Pat, TubeBabe, and Chuck....Great evening...Can't say enough about the chowder, plus all the other goodies....Thanks for hosting and the warm friendly atmosphere....Nice to meet all of you....Keep me in mind for the next one.....CarDell
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, glad everybody had a good time. We did too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About rod repairs...a big part of learning to make rods is also knowing how to fix up that special rod you could never do without. Stuff happens and we break a tip, lose a guide or just need some rewrapping. Once you are dialed in, no problem.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are several BFTers who are still fishing with their "dearly beloved" favorite rods after a short time in the TubeDude recovery room. Unless the break is within the top 1/3 of the rod, it is usually possible to do an inside splice that will add years of fishing time to "ol' Betsy".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Handle repair or modification is also a biggie. Many of us have had the reel seat break loose and start sliding around after a lot of use. Some of us just don't like the "feel" and would like a larger or smaller seat...or a different design. For a few bucks and some time and adhesive, you can do an extreme makeover of the real seat kind.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Feel free to bring your "patient" or patients for the next session. The Chuck and Pat clinic will diagnose the problem and issue a prescription. Might even be able to perform a healing ceremony. Can't do much about casting out skunk devils though.[/#0000ff]
What Kent said!! Thanks TD, TB, and UW for all the work you put into this progect. I think you may have started rolling a snow ball.
Nice meeting some new people and visiting with some old friends. I think I have to get out more often.
Now I'll need a second job to pay for the new toys I'm going to need.
A big shout out to Tube Dude and UTWalleye for putting this fun and informative shin-dig together. It was amazing to see them work their craft to perfection.
Great fun all around, and the perch chowda was excellent.
Thanks guys (and Tube Babe too!!!)
[cool][#0000ff]Good to meet you too. Thanks for bringing the soft drinks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Haven't had a chance to finish putting on the new rod tip yet. Will let you know when the patient is discharged.[/#0000ff]