Where can I buy some Zeke's garlic floatin' bait in the Salt Lake area?
They still sell that stuff? [

It's right next to the Targee cheese section.[cool]
you know i did see that Zeke's was makeing a come back.. but i dont know in the SLC area.. down this way they have it W-mart..
I'll try a Wal-Mart around here. Thanks for the infro.
Welcome to the boards! [

Walmart is a good place to start... Not sure if they sell it at SW or not.
I got mine at sportsman's warehouse
Thanks. I've been on bft for quite a while. I just haven't signed up until now. I'm heading to strawberry on saturday. I'm going to use zeke's floatin bait to get into the rainbows.
Umm....good luck with that and let us know if it works. Most people haven't had much luck with prepared baits like that (Zekes, Powerbait, etc) during ice fishing. However, during one particularly slow time, when the fish wouldn't bite on anything else though they were showing on the finder, I did catch one on a Powerbait that was shaped like a marshmallow and completely covered in glitter (took me 2 days to get all the dang glitter off me).
I will be up there as well. [cool]
I think I've still got some in my old tackle box if you want it...I'm sure it is still good, its only about 15 years old.[

I haven't seen anything like that lately except for powerbait.