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Full Version: Black Lake Lottery begin?
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any one know when and where to enter for the black lake lottery?

and the cost to get in?
I see the Mi.D.N.R. site has a downloadable list of sucessfull applicants so, it must be over .
I guess this means the way the drawing process has changed from years past where you had to show up at the bait store on black lake and wait to see if your tag is pulled .
I mean , really , how many guys would like to do the stergon thing but can't waste the long trip up or take time off on a daily basis to go spearing ?
It's about time that has changed to give a few downstaters an equal oppertunity to fish those big badboys .
One more note .
Just because Black lake may have met it's quota dosen't meen anglers can't fish for a stergon , there are dosens of other lakes and waterways that have theses fish availible without having to enter a drawing [cool].
well I for one am glad that is was changed to a lottery,

that is what has kept me away, granted it is a boon town for black lake if they could get people comming in from around the state to book lodging.

I would have liked to have known about the changes so I could have put my two dollars in....

I guess that was my job to forsee the changes comming and get the info out... LOL, at least we have saved some one the drive....

in the past you had only one day for the permit then it was transfered to the next person in line the following day,

so the questions remaining
[ul] [li]do these guys get to keep fishing untill they get thier fish? [/li] [li]did they pay a big fee for the ticket after the drawing was done?[/li] [li]when did the lottery date run for this event?[/li][/ul]
I forgot to mention, you still have to have a stergeon tag before you can target them.

If I remember, there is only one lake where you can fish for them year round. all the rest have varied limited seasons.

I remember a couple years ago when I last picked up my tag there was talk about the way they dole out what used to be free tags, "first come first served".

I wonder if they are changing that this year?