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Full Version: Yuba Perch Situation 1-22-06
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[#0000ff]Attached is a picture of a nice perch caught through the ice at Painted Rocks a few days ago. It was taken in 27 feet of water, and successfully released to swim back to the bottom. No air bladder problem.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The guys who caught it (and others) were checked by DWR. The CO observed the live release and when asked by one of the anglers if they would be ticketed if any of the fish died, he replied that it was a discretionary thing. Deliberately killing fish is subject to a citation.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There was discussion at the Salt Lake offices of DWR about an "emergency" temporary opening of Yuba to a 10 fish limit during the winter, to prevent needless killing of perch. That is no longer on the table. I talked with Roger Wilson today and he advised that there will be no consideration for allowing perch harvest until 2008, regardless.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When it was noted that trout anglers are catching perch and are likely to catch more, his suggestion was to convince everybody to fish only in the upper five feet of the water column. SAY WHAT?????[/#0000ff]
[cool]Thanks for keeping us abreast on what's going on with Yuba, T.D. It's interesting how the "management" of Yuba is going these days. Wake me up when you can keep a couple (10?) of perch from there. I don't think It's worth my 2.5 hour drive just to get down there and maybe or maybe not get a nice 'bow or two and catch a million perch just to have to release them back down the hole again to eat each other out of house and home. There's more reasonable percheries much closer to home for me (Pineview and Jordanelle this year...) with MUCH more generous limits too. MMMMM....perchies....

Think I'll head up to Pineview or Lake X Saturday. Anybody wanna join me? I'll fish solo if needs be. Hasn't stopped me in the past, but company is always a bit more fun...
Come on pat! Lean into it! You have the power!
JK. It will be interesting to see what happens down there.
I would love to fish with you on Saturday. I was planning on heading up to Jordanell so if that is what you decide on then let me know and I'll meet you there!
thanks for keeping us informed[Tongue]
upper 5 feet of water? [shocked]

what is this guy realy that stupid or just retarded? [angelic]

know what dude i'm just not going to fish yuba this year at all.. this is about the worse management of a body of water that i have ever seen!! except maybe the sluge ponds near the plants i work at that is..
Too bad the better part of common sense is being ignored here. That sure is a nice fat perch though.
Isn't about a quarter of the upper 5 feet of water frozen????
[#0000ff]his suggestion was to convince everybody to fish only in the upper five feet of the water column. [/#0000ff] [/reply]

[laugh] LMAO!!!!

So when we going to see this guy on Leno?? And, was he able to hold a straight face while saying that??
[cool][#0000ff]The really strange thing is that I think he WAS serious. At least he didn't snicker and guffaw after he said it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That's like driving to the Gorge for some ice fishing but staying in your camper because it is warmer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The whole thing is really getting silly. There are a bajillion perch in the lake, and many of them are getting pretty big. Yuba could stand some serious angler harvest but DWR is still protecting them like they were June suckers or something. A few incidental "mortalities" is not going to hurt the fishery.[/#0000ff]
[cool]Question. How often have you seen game wardens at Yuba?[Wink][Wink] That lake REALLY could stand some perch harvest right now, LOL![Wink][Wink]

Go do it, can't wait to see pic's and a report. Also, did you ever make a Pelican trip report. Been looking forward to hearing about.
[cool][#0000ff]The COs that cover that region are really spread out over a large area and have to monitor the hunting as well as fishing activities. That really cuts down on the amount of time they can devote to Yuba.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BUT...with the increased attention Yuba has been getting, there are lots of "drive-bys"...CO's looking for activity and stopping to monitor angler success (and potential violations). I would suggest that anyone planning to fish Yuba stick with the regulations and not play ticket roulette.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I know your suggestion was not serious, but just in case you might influence someone who is impressionable, let's be sure we do not advocate violations on this board.[/#0000ff]
[cool]First of all, if I did it, you would only hear about it via p.m. or a phone call. Not going to get a little visit to my house by the game wardens like the dude (slayerace was it?) that got caught with those fathead minnows in his aquarium. I try to learn from others (and my own too) mistakes whenever possible.

As for Pelican, I posted a report, but didn't make a new thread about it. I replied to some other thread. I think it was started by packfan, or somebody like that. It should be a page or two back here in the general discussion...Fishing wasn't bad, but not quite as hot as it was on Dec. 26th. I don't have time to find the link for you, so here's a brief synopsis:

Temp was -27 when we got there THATS RIGHT, NEGATIVE TWENTY SEVEN, and was quite miserable, but the fishing got good later in the day. We caught about 15 'gils each (about half as many as last time) and they weren't biting quite as hot. No largies this time. Ice thickness was anywhere between 8-14 inches thick, depending on how close to shore you drilled. It was a good time (and thank the good lord my friend had an ice shack and heater), but two trips to Pelican especially with the temps so cold this last time is enough for me in one winter. That 3 hour drive each way is a killer...