I just wanted to say thanks to all those who participate on this board. I am amazed at the quality and speed of responses to questions. I have seen minimal flaming (bashing) on the forum. This speaks loudly of the character of it's members. With so many different people, and different backgrounds, you would think that there would be more bickering. I appreciate coming to this place with comments and questions because it comfortable. It is the type of forum I wouldn't mind my kids looking at. Thanks again to all at bigfishtackle.
[cool]Thanks for your "thankfulness," dwight, and welcome to BFT/Utah board. We have terrific moderators that keep us all in line, and there's mostly a good level of respectfulness that exists here where we respect most of each other's opinions even if we don't always agree with each other. By the way, nice name! The Office is a hilarious show. I wanna get one of those Dwight bobblehead dolls for my desk. They sell them on the NBC show website I think...
Glad to have ya around dwightschroot.
Nice to have you aboard! This is the place to go for quick reports and fishing opinions.
And Geoff, the best movie out there is "Office Space". Quite possibly the funniest movie I have ever seen.
[cool]Hey Derek, office space is a funny movie. VERY funny. Sounds like we might not fish together this ice season as I haven't heard one decent report from Mantua, so I'm not really motivated to get up there right now. Perhaps we could meet up at Pineview sometime...I'm going to Jordanell or Pineview this Saturday. Not sure exactly which one yet though, but I do want to get a big ol mess of perch, and those two lakes have the most generous limits...
Yeah Mantua has really slowed down the last few weeks. When I was hitting it through December, I was slaying them. Last weekend- not even a bite.
Besides locating the fish, it's all about the timing.
Welcome aboard Dwight and you're right, we are great
] Now let's go hit the hard deck.