I have not been out ice fishing this season. I have been sick all but 5 days this year and it really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! [pirate] I need to catch something i don't care what !!! [

] Anyone have any suggestions were i might go and have some luck? I really suck at ice fishing i have caught about 4 fish total the last four years!! I go out about maybe 4-6 times out a season because i get discouraged easily and being a florida boy the cold does'nt help get me motivated to go out even more.[

[cool]Ocean, Scofield sucks this late in the ice season. I know it's close for you, but that lake sucks this time of year and the ice is super thick and a pain to drill through. Why don't you meet me at Rock Cliffs (Jordanelle) on Saturday a.m. and I'll get you into some fish. If we can't find the big schools of big perch then I can almost guarantee to get you into some trout action. Let me know via p.m. if interested...
Sounds like you are doing great at catching the cold bug.
I have been out the last two weekends and have done awesome [

so does scofield get better later in the year or is the good fishing at scofield done???
Yea I suck at ice fishing too because I never know what to use. I want to go out Saturday too and take my 4 year old daughter but I can't figure out where to go. It seems close to Layton the best for me would be Pineview or East Canyon but then I have millions of questions like where to go on the lake, what to use, will it be too cold for her, etc.
Anyway I know what you are saying about ice fishing. I just need to go and if it is bad oh well I got out of the house.
Good luck.
Yes, just getting out onto the ice is what matters. Catching fish is a bonus lol
one thing is for sure- you won't catch any if you don't go.
It's fun to just go out and take the kids : )
[cool]If you have a fishfinder and don't mind drilling through 14 plus inches of ice and move around, you can still get some decent fish right now, but GENERALLY speaking, the fishing at Scofield drops off greatly until ice off from now till then...your chances of having a 20 fish day at Scofield gets VERY slim this time of year.
I'm not a biologist, but my opinion on that is that Scofield is a shallow lake (about 45 feet deep in the middle when it's full) and so as the season goes on and the ice gets much thicker, oxygen levels in the lake decrease, thus causing the fish to be not as active generally speaking. By March, that lake will have at least 30 inches of ice. I've always done best through the ice there from late November through end of December, at which time, I head to Strawberry for slimer action because of the bigger fish anyway, as well as that lake is deeper and as long as you go farther away from the crowds, it doesn't matter how thick the ice is (as long as you can drill through it, that is) you can still find very active fish. That 17 pounder that was pulled through the ice last year was actually caught in late March at Soldier Creek.
You can go to Scofield if you want (at least there aren't big crowds there this time of year), but if you want better fishing and a chance for bigger slimers, Strawberry is a better bet. Good luck!
If you're looking for something close to Layton, why not go to Holmes Creek?
Is holmes creek the lake on the same road as valley view golf course? Is there fairly easy access to the lake with a jet sled (heavy with a power auger). How thick is the ice?
Yes, that is it. I would not suggest taking alot of weight down to the ice unless you can get it back up with ease. I think it is a pain to take heavy gear down there.
It's not a steep climb but it it's a fairly long haul. I took my power auger down there and hauled it back up.
Last week the ice was about 5 inches or so. I'd guess it's a little thicker by now.
thanks for the reply. It looks pretty steep from the road, maybe the manual auger would be better. Have to give it a try in the near future.
I have had a great time at East Canyon the last 3 weeks. For someone that does not go often or just starting that is a good place to get some education. When I am there I like to fish in 30 to 35 feet of water. Most Of the fish I have caught have been at 25 to 30ft. I have had a lot of success with crawdad colored jigs with some type of bait on them.
Hey ocean, I live here in Santaquin, and if your looking to stay a little closer to home, I've been up to Cleveland twice now over the last 3 weeks, and the fishing has been really good for 12"-16" rainbows, a lot faster than Scolfield. The only problem is that the snow on shore is pretty deep and can be tiring coming back up to your vehicle, that is why it hardly gets fished and why the fish bite so good. Straight out from the middle pullout is a pretty good spot. Also, Electric lake is usually really good too due to light pressure, but the same story, crossing that dam can be tiring in the snow, but maybe fuzzyfisher has it packed down I don't know.
I hear ya about the walking up!!!! Electric lake is the same snow is probaly 3 feet or higher and tough to get through. I need to go somewhere that is easily accesible because i have kids. Still got a couple days left before i decide were to go thanks for the suggestion.
ocean- a good place for you and kids would be somewhere at Utah Lake. Lincoln Beach should not be all that far of a drive and you all should be able to get into the White Bass.
Use any kind of small green/chartruse or even pink jig tipped with wax worms and you should be golden.
Ice should be 8 to 10 inches.
Good luck and put the smack down on some WB!
If you go to Pineview, go over to cemetary Point. The wind isn't bad there, like it is in the Narrows.
The sun shines a lot longer over there also.
I will be there on the North side of CP. Channell 7-0 on the radio, if you have one.
[cool]DKS, I think that's where I'm headed too. I'm looking forward to fishing it through the ice for my first time...Jordanelle reports just don't impress me right now. See ya at Cemetary...I'll say hi if I see ya. Will have my radio and will be at around 50 feet deep...