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Full Version: Flaming Gorge Pass (You may not need one!)
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Went to the forest office this morning and found the information that Roy D found on the Flaming Gorge use pass. Will try to retype it here for you, as they have no new information on their web site This publication had no date on it anywhere, but it must have been put out when they changed the use pass last year. It is available from the Forest Service Office, stop by and see how easy it is to find one, the visitor service representative took about 15 minutes to find one for me!

Recreation Passes

A Flaming Gorge Pass is required for parking at High Impact Recreation Areas (HIRA) on the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. Congress has recently passed the Federal Lands Recreation Act (REA) replaced the recreation Fee Demonstration Program. The new REA program extends fee authority for 10 years while at the same time refines where the fees can be charged.

REA has been implemented in areas, or corridors, that have improvements, services, and facilities that benefit the recreating public. For example restrooms, fish cleaning stations, courtesy docks, divider docks, picnic areas, paved parking areas, garbage service, multilane boat ramps, interpretive services, security services, and developed beaches.

The following explains where a recreation use fee is required.
Each location is termed a High Impact Recreation Area (HIRA) and will include a 1/4 mile corridor surrounding the access road from the highway to the lake or river access point.

Antelope Flat--------BL
Anvil Draw------------BL
Buckboard Crossing-BL
Cedar Springs--------BL
Firehole Canyon-----BL----PS----SB
Green River*---------BL----PS
Holmes Crossing----BL
Lucerne Valley-------BL----------SB
Mustang Ridge**----BL----------SB
Sheep Creek---------BL

BL---Boat Launch and Access Road with 1/4 mile corridor
PS---Picnic Site
SB---Swim Beach
* Facilities at Spillway and Little Hole
** Sunny Cove Day Use Area

Parked vehicles in a High Impact Recreation Area that do not display a valid Flaming Gorge Pass are subject to a citation of $50. Golden Age, Golden Access, Golden Eagle, and National Parks Passports with a Golden Eagle Hologram are not required to purchase the Flaming Gorge Pass. The majority of the revenue remains in the area where it was collected (yeah right). The money is used for repair and rehabilitation of recreation facilities and for improved visitor services. Passes can be purchased at the Forest Service Offices in Manila, Green River and Vernal, The Flaming Gorge Dam and Red Canyon Visitor Centers. Local Vendors also sell passes.

Daily Pass-$2.00---Pink Paper
The daily pass is valid for the use of the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area for one calendar day.

16 Day Pass-$5.00---Yellow Paper
The 16 day pass is valid for the use of the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area for sixteen consecutive days.

Annual Pass-$20.00---This year is a Tan Plastic
Beginning 01/01/2006. Flaming Gorge Recreation Passes are sold on a calendar year basis only. All passes purchased in 2005 will still be valid for 12 months. for example, regardless of the date of purchase in 2006, the annual pass will expire on December 31 2006. This will continue in future years. The annual pass will look different and be a different color every year.

Golden Age Passport-$10.00

Golden Access Passport-FREE

Golden Eagle Passport-$65.00

National Parks Pass with Hologram Stamp Upgrade-$15.00

WHEW! Man it would be nice if this information could be found on the US Forest Service web site. You would think that this would be part of the improved visitors services, but then they wouldn't sell so many use passes! Now that I typed it out please feel free to repost it, and spreading the word to everyone you know...
IMHO I don't think the fees are really that high. $2.00 per day or $5.00 for 16 ($0.31 a day) or $20.00 for a year ($.05 per day). If you want we could probably take up a collection for all the cheapskates that don't think the beauty and recreation possibilities of the Gorge are worth those fees.

I guess I don't see him Crying or whineing. I see him posting some very good info that might keep someone from receiving a costly citation. I also see the Forest Service not posting it for that reason of wanting folks to pay all that we can..

I don't have a problem with paying my share or even a little more. I purchase a state parks pass each year and go to may diffrent places and pay the entrance fees.

Thanks Daffy for posting this info to help some poor sole from getting zapped with a citation.

Not trying tostir the pot, Just that there is diffrent ways to view tis post.

This is good info.

A lot of folks, including myself, have paid the 2 bucks a day for years regurdless of where we camp and which boat is taken, (ramp launched or dinker). This passed June I took the time to read the posting at the Pay station about 10 mile from Manila when traveling from Mt View. I sorta felt like a dumb A$$ for paying my 2 bucks a day for all this time after reading the post when I didnt use the ramps, johns, etc... and camped more than a 1/4 mile from the main access roads.
Here again I thought, what ta heck, its only two bucks a day and I sure receive far more pleasure than two bucks worth a day while at FG.. On the other hand I'm not completely brain dead, yet.. With Gas prices where they were last summer if I didnt have to pay the fee I didnt, and spent it on fuel.. In the end I felt the gov got their fair share away.. [Wink]

Aw heck,, its all good, right?? No worries! [crazy]

(so the way I read it if you are not within 1/4 mile of these roads you can park and fish without a pass. That is one thing that has always mad me mad about the pass, a guy taking his kids out bank fishing pays as much as a guy launching a 30' Cruiser!)

WHEW! Man it would be nice if this information could be found on the US Forest Service web site. You would think that this would be part of the improved visitors services, but then they wouldn't sell so many use passes! Now that I typed it out please feel free to repost it, and spreading the word to everyone you know... Sorry USFS the buck stops here![/reply]
It looks to me like he is trying to get people to not buy the pass. Like I said just my opinion.
NOt a problem my friend. Your opinion is valid and warranted. We are all intitled to it. everyone just looks at things a little differently. Thats what makes the world an interesting place
You are correct when you say it is only your opinion but when you say things like "[size 1] On the other hand, I'd be just as happy if you didn't go. ", [/size][black][size 2]you are crossing the line. Daffy was just giving us info, some will use it, some won't but you don't need to say something like you would be happy if he didn't go, then you sound like you are trying to start something, you don't want to go there. Can't we all just get along! Just my opinion too. WH2[/size][/black]
I apologize. I was just trying to get my posts up so one day I may be able to join IFG's elite board. Just kidding. I just think that it is such a small price to pay for what I get when I go there.

I was just trying to get my posts up so one day I may be able to join IFG's elite board. Just kidding. [/reply]

Do you know something i dont know????
you must not have read the whole thread it also said it aint gonna happen... hope this is put to bed
Whoa,let's back the boat up here Bob.I know Daffy personally he is not trying to get people to not buy a pass.I sure don't see why you would even think that .All this man is trying to do is to get some information out to the people ,that might be Confused if they need a pass or not.If the forest service did a better job at informing the public of these changes ,then people might not be so Confused .IMO Bob it sounds like you are a USFS employee and have taken exception to Daffy's post.

Thank you ,to those of you for seeing what Daffy's post is really about.He is just trying to help people become better informed about the gorge pass .As usual the forest service has dropped the ball in keeping the public informed.
Of course all of this is just my opinion.
So in case people missed it up top I did apologize. I'm sorry for opening up this can of worms. For everyone's information I am not a USFS employee. I am just a young father that wants his two boys to grow up and enjoy fishing and the outdoors, and if it costs me $20 a year to help out a little bit to help provide further education and resources to protect it then thats the price I'll have to pay. The reason that I was so stand offish was because I don't think people appreciate all that we have here. Anyway, let's put an end to this discussion and I'll try to not start anymore fights.
