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just thought I'd send everyone a quick message. I just registered after having some problems doing so the first time I tried. I made the post a while back about fishing in the southern Indiana/Louisville area. I took your advice Fish-a-holic and looked at an indiana atlas and gazetteer. It's a big help but I'm still searching for that one stream or river that I can shoot to for a little weekend fishing. I'm thinking otter creek or the blue river right now. I'm just trying to find exactly where the access points are. I have a Bass Pro ten minutes away so it's kind of tantalizing not knowing of the good spots yet.
Glad you finally got in!

I'll drop an email to my cousin who lives in Southern Indiana and see if he'll give me some of the access points for the Blue and/or the Little Blue. I only fished the Little Blue with him one time, but we really tore up the smallies.
sounds good, I really appreciate it.
Here's the information from my cousin:

Blue river goes through Marengo and I think you have access there. The river is also crossed by many public roads were you have access. There are no public boat ramps and parks. The best way to get on Blue river with a boat is to go to Leavenworth and put in the Ohio river and motor to the mouth of Blue River.