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I have been planning on buying a new fishfinder for my boat and for ice fishing. I was planning on going with a lowrance x102c or a similar model; however I was at cabelas yesterday and I was quite impressed with the humminbird 777c in simulation. The screen seems so much clearer then the lowrances, plus the vertical real time flasher on the side of the screen is in color which I thought would be great for ice fishing. None of the lowrance models have this to my knowledge. I have an old humminbird on my boat that I am not to impressed with;however, the guy at cabelas said that humminbird has really stepped things up in the last two years in sonar technology. I was just wondering what everyone's opinion is on the new humminbird fishfinders.
Lowrance used to be untouchable, but your salesman was correct in that Humminbird has leaped right up there and perhaps passed Lowarance in the "value for money" category on sounders in the range of about $150-$500. I've had a Humminbird for 12 years and love it. My friend bought a Humminbird (model 545, I think) and it is better than the Eagle 480 (which is made by Lowrance). I've used both. By the way, Eagle is like the Chevrolet in General Motors and Lowrance is the Cadillac. Both are made by the same company. Anyway, I wouldn't hesitate with the Humminbird. Both units have ample power and both have good resoultion. IT ALL COMES DOWN TO PERSONAL PREFERENCE!!
Humminbird got bought out a few years ago. The new ownership wanted to compete with the bigs. So, Humminbird has come out with the 700 and 900 series sonar that totally blow away anything on the market. The 987c was the sonar that found the bodies in Strawberry. The power these units put out is amazing. Everything in the units are smaller and state of the art. My tax return will be donated to Humminbird this year.

I bought the humminbird 383c this year and next to my power auger its the best thing I have. It's the first sonar I've ever bought and was impressed with how easy it was to learn to use it, the simulation mode helped with that alot.
To me it is worth the extra money to by seporate units for ice and one for the boot.The Vexilar Flasher is hard to beet for ice fishing! Try they have ice fishing tips.
i sold my vexilar after see how well my X135 did on the ice.. no way would i go back to a flasher..
Is your X135 an LCD screne? LCD ar not usualy not real time. Is your unit real time respnnce I prefere the real time flashers.
Hey Fish_addict, I am with walleyed on having seperate for ice and boat. My opinion is you can not beat a flasher through the ice. Some of my buddies have LCD`s and they all quit working when I turn on my Marcum or my vexilar. I can fish around them or other flashers with little noise but at least they still work. It cost more to have both but they last forever or at least they should with good treatment. I run a lowrance on my boat and have excellent luck with it. Good luck and Fish On.
Thanks for all the advice. I went back to cabelas and found a Humminbird 931c for only 400 bucks back in the bargain cove. The only problem with it was that it was missing the transducer. The unit bran new costs about 1100 dollars so I couldn't pass it up. It is pretty big so it might not be so great for ice fishing but I'm sure it will be awesome on the boat. Once I get a Transducer and try it out I'll have to let everyone know how I like it.
I happen to know a tad about that Vexilar considering I was the one who purchased it. I have ice fished with two different Vexilars and three different regular fish finders, and I like all of them for different applications. For ice fishing deeper water give me my Lowrance X102C or my Raytheon L470, but for ice fishing water up to about 60 feet deep I prefer the Vexilar FL-8 SE. If I owned a top-of-the-line Marcum or Vexilar I might prefer them for all depths while ice fishing.