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Has anyone seen the new stuff? I heard from some guys that were at a show last week in Cal. that it was every one elses stuff that has worked for years in a new package. Just curios to see it.
First off, welcome aboard. Jared Johnson, "sockeyeslayer" on bft, has some great products. He will be at the ISE show in march. I believe his company website will launch at the beginning of February. I can say from experience that no one knows the local kokes like jared! It will be a great benefit for us koke lovers to have someone locally with so much local info and so many great products to share.

A lot of the koke products out there are ones that he helped develop, test, and market. Why wouldn’t some of his own companies products look similar? Also, Jared knows the color combinations that work locally at varying times of the year better than anyone in the business. Give the guy a chance and you can really improve your koke catching abilities on the gorge and elsewhere!

I for one plan on supporting a local guy trying to make it in a highly competitive business. (especially considering how good he is at koke fishing!) I also know that there are plenty of other bft'ers that will support him, because of all the help he has given them in improving their koke game. He has earned our respect around here! Stay tuned to bft, and you'll be impressed.
Some of the stuff may look like the oldies and goodies but Jared also has some stuff that he has modified and greatly improved on. He has been working his guts out to get this going and I can't wait until it gets on the market. I have fished with Jared several times and we have had a blast each time. He knows the kokes as well as anyone and he wouldn't sell stuff that doesn't work. Don't jump the gun on judging his products before you see some of them. He knows fishing and the fishing industry so his additions to our tackle boxes will only be positive. I think it's great to see more local products we can put our money into rather than sending our money to China and Mexico.

Good luck with getting up and going Jared!!!!!
Welcome to the board. Whether it is the same old stuff or not, I would be willing to purchase from Jared just to support someone here at BFT to kind of "give back" for all of the free information. That's just my two cents. Having said that, I would second the idea that he knows a ton about kokes and I doubt he is just peddling the same old stuff.
Well I appreciate the interest, It has been a extremely busy off season getting all of the different products ready for the Kick-off, and needless to say We have been recieved with open arm's.
Gorgeaholic, in answer to your question's/comments the only product that we are using that is like anything else on the market is the "blank" of one of our dodger's. I helped make this particular dodger popular and I know it work's so of course I would add it to our line without hesitation. Our's however does not look anything like a dodger pattern you will see on the market.
As for the rest of our product's We are the talk of the Kokanee Industry with our Cutting edge Ultra-Violet 1.5 inch squid/hoochies that I personally designed as well as the Original Sockeyeslayer Bug and a spinner line that features all glow component's and flouracarbon line with tandem RED vmc hooks. I know with out a doubt that we are making product's that many of you will value as "go-to" bait's in the near future.
BFT has been like a family to many of us and the information that is shared is something that we should all value and when it is our turn to be able to Pay it Forward so to speak then we need to step up and do so. I have tried to bring valueable information and good tactic's to better those fishing for Kokanee for years and I will continue to do so both by way of BFT, as well as providing lures, dodger's, spinner's, squid's and everything in between. I am proud to call many of you friends and look forward to meeting many of you in the future.
The Web-site will launch Shortly and we will let you know when that happen's... In the mean time if any of you need anything please P.M. me and I will do my best to get right back to you.
Jared Johnson R.M.T./Sockeyeslayer
Yea,where the heck are my just kidding I know your a busy man. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
ya he got in my tackle box too dang guy no really good on ya Jared proud of ya you have done an awsome job on the koke's if we could only ween ya and get ya on some real fish lol cant wait to see all of the new goodies have seen some from Kyle and chated with you a bit but I still aint seen my squid see ya soon come up we will put u on a laker[Smile]FISH
Aftrer meeting you and getting all that great advice on how to catch the elusive Koke, I can't wait to see what you have thats new. Those Kokes are my favorite fish to target when I go out fishing its just too bad that I have to sort through all the cuts at the Berry to find them.[Wink]

Again thanks for your help. See you at the ISE
i know what you mean about sorting through the cutts at the berry. its hard to get at the kokes when the cutts wont let your lure down to the proper depth before they take it. this is a good problem to have though because the cutts are fun too!