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Full Version: Berry 1-27
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Went to the berry on Sat. morning. We went over by Haws point on the ATV's. Between my Brother and son we caught a dozen or so, along with a couple long releases and breakoffs (all in the slot with the biggest 20"). Weather was a little chilli when the wind picked up. The best luck we had was a dead stick in 30 ft of water with a white booger / whattacricket with a meal worm or what ever my 4 year old son had on his pole. He caught the most on the day and had a riot doing it, I loved it!! We had to move around a bit until we could find the fish. Fish were on the sonar at all depths but the bottom yeilded the most fish.
Thanks for the report. Glad you were able to get into a few. [Smile]
Myself, showman, havsfan, another friend and some kids hit the berry sat morning as well. We hit a couple of our honey holes that take a little work to get to but they are way away from the closest people. Unfortunately "getting away" wasn't the answer today. We only caught 4 fish between us all (at times we had 9 poles in the water with all manor of different jigs). We fished from 25 to 32 feet deep with everything in the tackle box. Not as many fish on the finder as usual. Only about 20% of the fish on the finder would actually hit the jig. I believe that 3 out of 4 fish were caught on the maniac ice cut'rs we received on friday. We had more hits on the tube jigs but caught more on the cutrs. We had a great time and the weather was good and the air clean and the sky blue but the catching was really bad by Strawberry standards. Prob going to go again on Tuesday and take 4 wheelers to a totally different part of the lake and really mix things up and see if I can find something different than usual that is working.
I think a big part of having success at the Berry is getting away from all the same old spots and trying some new water. It worked for us although we didn't have an exceptional day in terms of numbers of fish, we did catch some nice fish, but that was last saturday and every day can be a different story. Better luck next time! I'm glad the ice Cut'rs worked for you!