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TIGERS have been discovered in The Heart Of The
Driftless Area. This species is know for its
aggressive behavior. I have lived in the area for 42
years and there has been a recent BOOM in their
[Image: malebrookie.jpg]
Male Brookie
[Image: femalebrown.jpeg]
Female Brown

Tigers are a hybrid of a male brook trout and a female
brown trout. They can NOT reproduce. They are the
MULES of the trout world.

[Image: lensbigbrookie.jpg]
Male Brookie
[Image: DSC01358.jpg]
Female Brown

Tigers earned their name from their unusual color
pattern and their aggressive nature. If a brook and
brown and a tiger live in the same hole, the tiger
will be the first trout to be caught.

I have caught only two TIGER trout in my entire life.
Recently the tigers have become more plentiful. The
reason for the BOOM in the tiger population is the
improvement of the quality of trout water in
southwestern Wisconsin. Many states stock tigers. I
have contacted the fisheries managers locally and they
told me that tigers are NOT being stocked in the area.
They are occurring naturally as brooks and browns

A stream that has a population of brooks and browns
is required. Brooks require a colder waterway to live
in. So when you go TIGER hunting...leave your gun at
home....take your thermometer with you. Brook trout
like water that is under 60 degrees.
[Image: DSC00047.jpg]
[Image: DSC01185.jpg]
[Image: DSC00970.jpg]
[Image: 16_inch_TIGER.jpg]
[Image: MyFirsttigerCU.jpg]

Written By: Len Harris
ALL Photos by: Len Harris