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AUSTIN, Texas — Seven boating access projects will share $2,689,273 in new boating access grants. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved the seven construction and renovation projects at its Thursday, Jan. 25 meeting.
The State Boating Access Program was authorized in 1975 by the Texas Legislature. The program provides funds for the purchase, construction, renovation and maintenance of boat ramps, access roads and other related facilities to improve recreational boating access to public waters. Construction for approved projects is supported on a 75 percent (federal), 25 percent (local) basis.
While the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department administers the grants, funding comes from the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, also known as Wallop-Breaux for the original congressional sponsors. The Sport Fish Restoration program is funded by revenues from a portion of federal gasoline taxes generated when recreational boaters gas up their boats and a federal excise tax on items such as fishing rods, reels, creels, lures, flies and artificial baits.
Below are summaries of projects receiving boating access grant matching funds. Dollar amounts shown indicate the 75 percent federal match.
State Highway 48 Boat Ramp — Cameron County received a grant of $411,633 to renovate a two-lane boat ramp and parking area with lighting and construct a new restroom/pavilion. The facility provides public boating access to the Lower Laguna Madre via the Brownsville Ship Channel.
61st Street Boat Ramp — Galveston County received a grant of $500,000 for renovation of a two-lane boat ramp, parking area and shoreline stabilization. The facility provides public boating access to Galveston Bay.
Hubbard Creek Reservoir Boat Ramp — The West Central Texas Municipal Water District receive a grant of $405,000 to renovate/improve a two-lane boat ramp, access road, parking area, lighting, courtesy docks, and signs. The facility provides public boating access to Hubbard Creek Reservoir.
San Bernard River Boat Ramp — Brazoria County received a grant of $247,500 to construct a new boat ramp, parking area, access road, lighting, courtesy dock, bulkheads and signs. The facility provides public boating access to the San Bernard River.
Lake Bob Sandlin Boat Ramp — The Titus County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 receive a grant of $292,500 for construction of a new boat ramp, courtesy dock, restroom, walkways, lighting, bulkheads, parking and signs. The facility will provide public boating access to Lake Bob Sandlin.
Packery Channel Boat Ramp Parking Lot — The City of Corpus Christi received a grant of $500,000 for asphalt surfacing of a parking lot and access road, and new lighting, and signs. The boat ramp was recently constructed with TPWD grant funding and is getting heavy use. The existing caliche base parking lot and road need to be improved to handle the use.
5 Mile Dam Boat Ramp — Hays County receive a grant of $332,640 to construct a new two-lane boat ramp, restroom, parking, access roads, courtesy dock, lighting, bulkhead, and signs. The facility will provide public boating access to the Blanco River at 5 Mile Dam Park north of San Marcos.